Chapter 7: Embarrassed

----[Vache POV]----

'Sel what the absolute f*ck is going on!?' Vache asked his guide, Sel, telepathically as he was being stared at by Qiqi who still had an indifferent face and left to possibly inform Baizhu of his current status

[It has been confirmed that the target; Qiqi had fulfilled the hidden requirements to trigger "Stability] Vache then thought 'What's the requirements though?'

[Host, you have insufficient authority to learn about the hidden requirements of "Stability's" forced activation] Sel responded with it's gender neutral voice making him think carefully

'What can you tell me then?' Vache decided to ask Sel for an alternative answer since his understanding of video games and novels. He knew that this 'insufficient authority' was a result of not having a higher player level or conditions that have not been met but he already concluded it would be the former.

[Host, due to the 'restraints' and mental debuffs long term effects on the target (Qiqi). The skill (Stability) will slowly disperse her 'restraints' and mental debuffs]

Vache hearing this made a grimaced expression. He started to recall Qiqi's lore.

If he remembers it accurately. She was an ordinary herb-picking lass named Qiqi that lost her way and trespassed the realm of the Adepti. Injuring her right leg in a fall, she hurriedly hid in a cavern to rest. But could have never expected that with a huge cave in, she would forever be trapped between life and death.

Whether adepti or demons, just or wicked, all understood that she was an innocent mortal caught in the crossfire or perhaps it was by the will of heaven that she received a Vision in her dying moments, and so ended this contention between adepti and demon.

The adepti could not bear to let her die, and each imparted to her a portion of their strength, meaning to breathe life back into her body. Qiqi did indeed awaken and live again, but went into a berserk state, unable to control the adepti energy raging through her.

Seeking to end the disturbance, Mountain Shaper had no choice but to seal the hapless maiden in amber...

'Hold on a damn minute... why do I remember almost the entirety of Qiqi's 4th character story!?' it took a second for Vache to realize and he became flabbergasted towards the fact he could remember a story accurately almost down to every detail. It was really strange for Vache because he didn't have a photographic memory in his past life. At best he attained a decent level of eidetic memory; the ability to vividly recall an image you are exposed to but only briefly.

As Vache pondered moving back and forth inside his quarters, Sel then stated [Host, the reason you can remember Qiqi's story is because it's stored in the {Archives} which includes not just your travels, and other info in Teyvat but as well as record of your previous life]

"Right, the {Archives}" Vache scratched the back of his head as he felt stupid and finally sat on the bed in a fetal position as it sunk on to him that he didn't just have memories of the collected 'data' from Teyvat but also info from his past.

While he was thinking about it deeply, multiple ringing echoed on to his head

[*Ding* you have obtained a talent; singing]

[*Ding* you have gained 3 "Free Attribute Points"]

[You have reached level 2]

[You have reached level 3]

[*Ding* you have gained the achievement "Aiding the Divine" obtaining the skill; Lamenting Winds]

[Elemental Mastery increased by 2]

As Vache heard the notifications he then opened up his {Player Status}


Vache Finch

Level: 3 (30/1500)

Occupation: None

Title: None


Health: 1,000/1000

Attack: 50

Defense: 50

Speed: 100

Elemental Mastery: 5

Stamina: 101/101

Attack Speed: 1.10%

Luck: 12

Charisma: 50

Elemental Energy: 0/100

Charm: 70

Free Attribute Points: 13

C-points: 8,225


[Trailblazer (2 stars) Lvl. 1| Path: None]

[Stability (5 stars) Lvl. Max| Path: Abundance]

[Lamenting Winds (4 stars) Lvl. 1|Path: Destruction

When activated attacks enemies in a fan shaped area. 28% of all accumulated dmg within 24 hours will be released in the form of uncontrollable gale strikes healing the user while damaging the targets with the fan shaped AOE (area of effect). Released dmg will doubled if the user's health is below 25%.

Dmg Accumulated (24 hours):None

Cooldown: 12 hours]


A/N: I screwed up the stamina stat my bad 😅

"So basically I have a new skill that could pack a punch and help me survive in a situation where I'm in a pinch" Vache nods in agreement to his conclusion towards this skill due to the fact it's his first 'offensive' skill.

"Trailblazer" and "Stability" can be labeled as 'support' skills due to their skill descriptions. So it was also a good thing off the bat to get this skill

'Then there's also 13 free attribute points and me being level 3 which means that achievements give EXP (experience) right? Sel?' [Correct, the host gains a certain amount of experience from gaining an achievement]

Accepting her answer I then decided to just buy 10k of mora, put it into my backpack, then wait for Qiqi and Baizhu to return

3 minutes later... Qiqi finally returned with Dr. Baizhu 'He looks the same as he was in the game (Genshin Impact)' Vache said to himself as he saw the snake that's snuggly wrapped around Baizhu's neck, Changsheng

"*Hiss* It's rude to look at someone for so long Foreigner" the snake sneered at him for his action, Vache then apologized "My bad, it's my first time seeing a snake wrapped around someone's neck"

"Hmph, just don't do it again it's rude and don't call a snake" Changsheng said as it looked away from Vache's general direction.

"So, are you feeling any abnormalities right now sir..?" Baizhu asked with a curious glint as to who I am "My name is Vache, Vache Finch. It's nice to meet you Dr. Baizhu" I raised my right arm to shake hands with him

"Oh so Mr. Finch knows me?" Baizhu shook my hand, asked in a formal tone while hiding his curiosity but was then interrupted by Qiqi "Finches are cute" she said it at random with an indifferent face but it sure as hell sent Vache onto a plethora of exclamatory thoughts

'She is so adorable damnit!!! I want to cuddle her, and treat her so badly like a parent pampering their child!' Vache's heart was starting to beat fast thinking of Qiqi's action and it got even faster when he saw a glimpse of her showing a small smile. Making his heart beat louder and louder before finally falling down on the bed which caused Baizhu to rush over to him "Mr. Finch!"

'Qiqi must be protected at all cost' he thought to himself before finally closing my eyes

----[Baizhu POV]----

Mr. Finch is really interesting. The first time I met him was yesterday when 2 millelith guards were carrying him at my doorstep in the middle of the night stating to me that he was unconscious when they met him and probably due to alcohol.

His appearance is very eye catching as it was very clear to Baizhu that he looked at the unconscious purple haired individual who seems to have traveled to Liyue for obviously unknown reasons but he could care less as it wasn't something he should care

When my little Qiqi told me he was awake today I decided to check his conditions. He seemed to have a calm and understanding demeanor but little did I know that he would fall down to his bed due to Qiqi sentence and have his heart beating like a drum.

"Dr. Baizhu is he ok?" Qiqi asked 2 minutes after Vache fainted I then said "Don't worry he only seemed to have passed out due to exhaustion"

30 minutes later... Mr. Finch finally woke up who, then had a there face turn beet red presumably from the obvious fainting. The purple haired foreigner thanked him, grabbed his bag and sprinted out of the room.

He just ran past me saying 'Nigerundayo' which I have no idea what that means however I somehow that he felt embarrassed as his ears before leaving were very red. Oh well I'll meet him next.

----[??? POV]----

Somewhere in another universe

A tall figure with multiple masks with different facial expressions strapped around his body. Observing Vache from a holographic screen. It showed multiple expressions from happiness, anger, and exhilaration. The figure showed a very excited grin watching what he considers a new source of entertainment.

----[Vache POV]----

"Well that was embarrassing" Vache muttered to himself very softly as he was walking down the steps of Bubu Pharmacy a gloomy expression it's as if he's done stupid (In his opinion) in front of someone he admires.

A/N: Oh wait that's what happened earlier 😆

'I feel like Idyia right now that I want to crawl into a hole and sit in a fetal position!!! *Sigh* it is what it is' I thought to myself helplessly admitting defeat towards my action as I knew it was best to ignore it now

Well since it's day time and I'm already at Liyue Harbor. I might as well register as an adventurer for the adventurer guild after eating something to sate my hunger and I know the perfect place to scarf down good food here.

A/N: I was reading too much good fan fics I forgot about this for a while anyway here's the MC's current stats


Vache Finch

Level: 3 (30/1500)

Occupation: None

Title: None



Health: 1,000/1000

Attack: 50

Defense: 50

Speed: 100

Elemental Mastery: 5

Stamina: 101/101

Attack Speed: 1.10%

Luck: 12

Charisma: 50

Elemental Energy: 0/100

Charm: 70

Free Attribute Points: 13

C-points: 8,215



[Trailblazer (2 stars) Lvl. 1| Path: None]

[Stability (5 stars) Lvl. Max| Path: Abundance]

[Lamenting Winds (4 stars) Lvl. 1|Path: Destruction

When activated attacks enemies in a fan shaped area. 28% of all accumulated dmg within 24 hours will be released in the form of uncontrollable gale strikes healing the user while damaging the targets with the fan shaped AOE (area of effect). Released dmg will doubled if the user's health is below 25%.

Dmg Accumulated (24 hours):None

Cooldown: 12 hours]



[45L Outdoor Traveling Backpack (Color;Black) | 3 stars | Durability: 500/500| Description: Useful to carry items for long term travels.

Skill;Refresh: Allows beverages cold and meals stay warm | Contents: Notebook 1x, Black pen 1x, Pouch of Mora (10k)]
