Demon Attack

The Haunted Forest had a reputation for its high-class spectral ghost demons. So, why the heck were they being ambushed by a cow demon and an ogre demon?

Fort's brain was doing mental gymnastics trying to process the weirdness. Something was seriously off – like ordering a pizza and getting a salad instead.

His gaze sharpened as he scanned the surroundings more closely. Gorilla demons bear demons, and even a two-headed hawk demon were closing in.

Hold on a sec, these dudes weren't native to this neck of the woods.

The pieces of the puzzle weren't fitting, and Fort's internal alarm was blaring like a siren.

Oh, snap! He realized they were surrounded, and he'd missed the memo until now. His eyes darted over to Derek, who was already in battle mode, gripping a sword like he meant business.

"Nice, Derek's got his game face on," he thought, nodding to himself. "Time for me to rally the troops."

As he moved to inform Rana, the ground rumbled beneath his feet. A gut feeling made him react without thinking. Fort shoved Derek away and jumped back just in time.

A chilling howl echoed through the air. Fort recognized the sound – it was that {Melodic Screaming} thing he had used earlier. He whipped around and saw the source – a monstrous centipede demon, its dark exoskeleton gleaming menacingly. This thing was like a horror movie on steroids, legs wriggling like a nightmare come to life.

The demon froze as Fort's ability struck, but it didn't stay frozen for long. It charged forward, giant mandibles snapping like a death trap on wheels.

"Shit!" Fort's heart raced as he watched the scene unfold. He was running out of time and moves. His mind raced, calculating the risks and the odds.

His thoughts were a whirlwind. "Group fight incoming, and I've got only sixteen shots of that {Melodic Screaming} thing.

And that centipede's a big sucker – no way I'm choking that thing out."

The centipede demon shook off the hit and charged again. Fort's heart pounded – it was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. Time stretched as he saw the creature's pincers closing in on him.

Then it happened. The world shifted into slow motion as Derek sprinted forward, arms outstretched. He caught Fort just in the nick of time, their bodies crashing together.

Derek's arms strained under the weight, and he staggered backwards, barely managing to keep them both from tumbling to the ground. The impact jarred him, sending shockwaves through his body.

Fort's body hung in Derek's arms, warmth seeping out and replaced by a cold emptiness. Derek's breaths came in ragged gasps as he looked down at the man he'd just saved.

Around them, chaos reigned. The barrier shattered, and demons swarmed in. Panic and fear painted the faces of their fellow students as they scrambled to escape the onslaught.

Derek's gaze flickered to Miku, her tear-filled eyes fixed on Fort. He was a lifeline she'd depended on, and now he was hanging on the edge.

The centipede demon roared, and the camp crumbled around them.

Derek's focus snapped back to the looming threat. He locked eyes with the monster, a sense of dread settling in. His heart raced, but he couldn't afford to freeze up.

The last thing he saw before the world went dark was Fort's face – wide-eyed, wincing, but with a glimmer of logic amidst the terror.

"Save them!" Fort's unspoken plea hung in the air as darkness closed in.

In his final moments, Fort's mind raced. He knew his own ability inside and out. Raw power didn't matter when facing {Melodic Screaming}.

But there was a catch – remote control. This thing was being puppeteered, By someone nearby. The realization hit like a ton of bricks, but he had no way to voice it.

As the darkness enveloped him, an image of Rana appeared, arms outstretched. It was a hallucination, a comforting mirage.

"I never got to ask her out," he thought, his final regrets whispered into the void.

The sudden voice hit like a splash of cold water, yanking Derek's attention from his impending battle.

His fingers had been ready to unleash his ability, his muscles tense and primed for action. Monsters were advancing, but something about this voice froze him in place.

Derek's gaze honed in on the source – a guy draped in a grey cloth that looked like it had seen better days.

He stood there, looking handsome and surprisingly thin, like some sort of K-Pop star gone rogue.

Derek blinked, a little thrown off by the disconnect between the guy's appearance and the danger he posed. It was like getting sucker-punched by a fluffy kitten.

Oh crap. It was him, the Big Bad from the novel. Derek's gut clenched – they were so screwed.

Adventurer Rana, the usually goofy and carefree teacher, had a look of sheer dread on her face as she locked eyes with the gray-clothed man.

Derek could practically see the realization dawn upon her – they were toast. The camp was about to turn into a horror show, and they were the unwilling cast.

Amidst the chaos, Rana took a deep breath, her demeanor shifting from panic to resolve.

She was about to say something, but Derek's attention was snatched away by the man's chilling words.

Derek's heart pounded as he witnessed the horror unfold. Demons swarmed in, and the man's voice dripped with malicious amusement.

Death played out in front of them – heads crushed, spines snapped, gruesome ends. It was a scene straight out of a nightmare.

Eyes glinted like malevolent stars, watching as if they were mere prey.

The man spoke again, his words hitting like a hammer blow. Derek felt a shiver run down his spine.

The man seemed to enjoy the carnage, puffing on a pipe as if he was enjoying a leisurely stroll in the park.

Derek's mind raced, connecting the dots. This man controlled the monsters, orchestrated this nightmare. Panic surged, threatening to engulf him, but he held onto his composure.

His heart raced like a drum solo, adrenaline coursing through his veins. His cautiousness had paid off, giving him the precious seconds he needed.

The protective barrier hadn't been the holy shield they'd hoped for. Derek knew deep down, he could have done nothing to save the others.

Anika, the supposed heroine, was launching beams from her fingers, trying to fight back. But it was like trying to take down a tank with a water gun – futile.

Derek couldn't stay silent any longer. Despite the chaos, he called out, a mix of frustration and desperation in his voice.

"Hey! This is so not fair, you know? Throwing newbies against middle-class and high-class demons is like sending lambs to the slaughterhouse!"