The switch

"100 joules ready!"

"Inject epinephrine. 250 charges!" 


The holter monitor beeps loudly as a young was charged with a defibrillator, which made him jerk.

Nurses could be seen injecting an intravenous fluid while a doctor checked the temperature of the patient.

He was fixed on oxygen and they couldn't detect his pulse. His heart ceased functioning and their efforts to revive this man were vain.

The electrodes on him read zero. Behind them stood Wales, intrigued by their countless effort of waking up the dead.

They were unable to see him, even though he had strides towards the side of the stretcher, evaluating the soul he was going to possess.

Long hair, an aquiline nose, handsome, sturdy and firm. He had broad shoulders similar to him.

This dead man seemed molded from a different cast, as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. Lacquered and enameled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio. 

His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman.

They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. 

With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze.

They were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels enwrought in snow. 

Handsome was an understatement. One would think they are related, but he was confessed this body was dupe than he was.

Wales was already loving this man's domineering appearance, despite being lifeless. He was just waiting for the right time to merge with this body.

Wales shifted his gaze to this theater. He could sight that the operating room was an intimidating, busy place.

It had a lot of unfamiliar technical equipment, ranging from the operating table in the center of the room, which was raised.

The operating room lamps allow for brilliant illumination without shadows during surgery.

He frowns as he saw that this patient was connected to various monitors that keep track of his vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure.

A ventilator stands by the head of the operating table where this man was laid, which he guessed was for oxygen.

Sterile instruments arranged on a stainless-steel table. 

A diathermy machine, to control bleeding. The operating room was cold to minimize bacterial growth.

A nurse who was meant to declare the death of this man and the time glanced at her wristwatch and shook her head. 

The doctors were disappointed that they couldn't wake up this being, bowing their head downcasted.

It was time they declared his death to his loved ones if he had any. 

They were three doctors here wearing scrubs in the operating room.

One of them had pulled off his gloves that were covered with blood and began pacing towards the door to leave. 

The rest doctors began to pull out the electrodes placed on his chest, which were 10 wires. Wales also checked the time, and it was almost 20 minutes pass 11am, quickly, he swivels like a wind and enters this unconscious body.

He wheezes and ducks his head back. His eyes were twirling around like a ticking clock, his brain void of thinking.

He felt trapped on the stretcher, feeling heavy and weak. Shortly, he became subconscious of his environment.

The monitor began beeping once again. The nurse widens her eyes, bewildered. This could only be a miracle. She thanked the heavens for their mercy on such a sinner.

The first doctor who was taking off the electrodes shudders as he rolls his eyes at the holter machine which was blaring slowly, it had detected this man still had life in him.

"He's awake!" She proclaimed, and the second affirms to that.

The second immediately orders the nurse to get syringes, which she hurried to get. Shocked, the third returns to aid his team.

Once they were certain he was out of danger, they left him to rest.


Her hands trail on the wall, her heart aching, as she stutters in her steps, she had a pale face, red rings around her eyes and scampering for air.

Her stomach growls at the disturbing scent of disinfectant, tense and diverse. 

Bodily fluids and outputs like fecal matter can raise a cloud of stench spanning a good portion of a hallway.

It made her retch. Harsh florescent hallway lighting which was blinding hits her eyes, but she manages to stay focused.

No one was attending to her as there were countless patients to attend to. A building recently collapsed and corpses were rolling in.

She saw it as good timing to escape this place before the mysterious doctor catches up with her.

Lisa could recall what transpired in that ward of hers, while she was wrestling with the nurse to release her.

The doctor was intending to inject her with anesthesia, but then a paramedic called him that his attention was needed urgently. Informing him about the collapsed building.

He accidentally drops the syringe on Lisa and then gestured to the nurse to inject her with the anesthesia. At once, he follows the paramedic while giving Lisa a daring glare.

The nurse had to take over, fortunately for Lisa, she had regained a sudden strength due to fear.

The nurse was acting all friendly, telling Lisa not to be scared because everything would be fine. She leans closer to Lisa, intending to take the syringe.

However, this nurse wasn't fast enough as Lisa had already grabbed the syringe which was laying on her stomach.

She stabs this nurse in the neck, causing her to fall unconscious to the ground.

Her thoughts were deferred when someone mistakenly brushed past her. Lisa arches her brows and turns her gaze to this person.

Somehow, she felt unease at the slight touch of this person. However, she didn't bother much about whom he could be.

She couldn't see him clearly as he was backing her and pacing fast towards the exit door. 

Judging from his physique, she noted that he was familiar. He was also wearing a hospital gown and looked like someone who trying to escape from this place.

Nervously, she hops in his direction, telling herself to muster up strength and stay in a proximity with this man.

Somehow, she felt he could be of help since they were running away from this place together.

He got the exit door opened and steps out, so did she, maintaining an inch from him, not considering who he could be.

Her eyes studying everyone's movement outside the hospital. 

It didn't click to her that this man she was trailing after had stopped walking.

Startling, he turns at her, and she accidentally bumps her head on his chest.