Meeting the hunters

Wales sneezes as all his eyes could picture was darkness. The last event he recall before finding himself at such a desolate place was attempting to escape the hold of two men.

When he was losing his consciousness because of the asthma, two strangers offered to help.

However, he perceive they were trouble and hastily dropped an empty paper in Lisa's purse.

Luckily, his magic spell came on at the right time and he cast a spell on his wrist watch which would direct her to finding him.

The wrist watch was to show her the location on its screen because the spell and Wales are connected.

Wales possessed that ability.

Intentionally, he left it behind with his watch which would guide her. The paper was also to aid her if she was confused.

Somehow, he had a feeling she might come for him. However, during his abduction, he sensed the vehicle the two men used exploded and he was taken by someone else.

The vision wasn't clear but he was certain that another set of people abducted him not the first two strangers.

Jerking back to reality, his blind fold was pulled off and he found himself in a den of men.

They were vicious looking men, each holding ammunitions. He was tied to a chair and placed in their middle.

He was yet to be addressed.

"Hello Tyler!" A crook voice welcomes. His footsteps created path among the men and it took a while for Wales to see a clear vision of who was speaking.

A part of Tyler memory crossed his mind. He got to learn immediately that this man was Leo, Tyler's partner but it seems Tyler betrayed him and snatched something vital from him.

Now that he figured out Tyler was alive, he had either abducted him for revenge or to take what Tyler took him or kill him again.

Wales coughs as he spur his eyes gently and inhaled softly. He scruntized his appearance, dressed like a rogue, having a cigar which almost choked Wales but these people were kind enough to have an inhaler for him.

A bodyguard was on standby administering the inhaler to Wales when needed. He would say, they were freaks.

It seems they do not want him to pass out again because reviving him was though.

Leo was puffing out air from his mouth as he ditch the cigar from his mouth and spit to the ground.

"Wow, you gave us such a tough time finding you" he furthers and Wales asked of his whereabouts.

This man narrates how they ambushed the two strangers to get to him. Fortunately, Wales was unharmed by the explosion which baffles him.

While Leo narrates, one of his men untie him and Wales groans softly.

"I guess you have extra lives huh?" He mocked pointing a gun at Tyler's head.

"Nice" Wales commented as he rubbed his wrist which burns.

He attempted to stand up but all the men joined their boss to place a gun on his head.

Oddly enough, Wales was disappointed that it was mere men who abducted him. He had thought they were ghosts.

The first two men that made an attempt first were ghost but the body they possessed were burnt by the ambushed Leo.

However, Wales was stunned Tyler's body wasn't burnt. Who could this Tyler really be?

"Who could Tyler be?" He mutters aloud not minding the fact that he was held at gun point.

Leo narrowed his gaze at him, puzzled as he was acting like though he wasn't the Tyler they were seeing.

"Where is it!" He barks grabbing Wales on the neck.

Wales gulps as he felt weak yet had to defend himself. He shoved Leo's hand away and gurgles.

"You got the wrong Tyler" he corrected rubbing his neck and cussing. Wales wasn't sure if he could use his powers yet to fight.

Leo glared at him as he thinks Wales as Tyler was playing prank on him.

"Fine then! I will remind you!" Leo barks and quickly shot a bullet at Wales.

Wales flinches and covered his face only to find himself outside this den!

He had accidentally teleported without realizing and now he was standing outside. This man could tell those inside would be wondering where he went to and that was the iceberg. His incredible power was back or maybe not.

Wales scoffs as he dust his shirt, cussing at them for messing with the wrong guy. 

He turned slightly and discovers that a van halts an inche away from him. It's head light was blinding and he had to cover his face with his palm.

Hastily, men in dark wears bounced out of the big van holding batons. They were huge, fearful and vicious. These men were 10 and trod with authority towards him with gnashing teeth.

"Fuck!" He groans as this was a bad day for him.

Wales swirl his hands without much energy with thought that they would turn to ashes but they still standing and staring at him weirdly.

He did some demonstrations, flare his hands, legs but it was useless.

They spoke indistinctly among themselves, as they appeared in front of the vehicle and face him. They obstructed the ray from the head light.

Wales rose his gaze at them and suddenly began to move backwards, trembling because they took him unaware. 

To worsen it, they were there for him. Wales scrutinized them, pondering if they were the same men he abandoned and why they kept drawing closer to him.

"Ha! We have the demon at last" one of them began with a prideful expression and the rest snickers. 

Some of them slams the baton on their palm, growling at him like wild animals ready to devour at him at someone's command.

"The king himself is before us, let's get ourselves the price!" The second yells and almost immediately, they surrounded Wales.

Wales chuckles and raises his hands in the air. Were they being serious? No one was explaining anything to him and it felt like he was in a jinx box.

"Wow guys? Is this an intro or something?" He questioned trying his best not to look petrified but deep in his heart, he wished the ground should open and take his life.

There was no way to escape their claws and why were they referring to him as someone they knew? If only he had ran along with the indigenes of this place.

These men had formed a close den around him as he was glued to the spot.

They gave him no response as one of them behind him hits him hard on the back. Wales groans and bent slightly as his stomach squirms. His brain tries to transmit the pain he felt around his spinal cord.

Just a blow got his eyes dizzy, he was feeling nausea as he wraps his arms around his stomach wheezing out air from his lips.

What the hell was happening? Henry blinks his eyes as they weren't giving him time to regain his consciousness. Everything was moving in circles before him.

He got another blow on his legs and it forced him to kneel as he drew in breath almost suffocating.

"Arghh, gentlemen, let's talk this out" he wails in pain as he tried to persuade them to stop hitting him like a criminal. His grief was the fact that he doesn't know them.

Another intended to bang his head when suddenly gunshots rang in the air. Henry shudders as he heard bodies thudding against each other and falling to the floor.

He stood up steadily from the ground, startled to see the 10 gangs dead before his eyes. It felt like a magic was displayed before his eyes.

"Sorry but the price on your head is mine" a feminine voice whispers from behind him, cartwalking closer to him.

Henry scoffs and shook his head, what would be the next scene? Were they shooting a movie and mistakenly added him to the cast?

Probably, these men would wake up. He felt irritated seeing blood pouring out of their bodies where bullet hits.

It was real blood and not make-up. He felt nervous and uncontrollable as he couldn't believe his eyes.

This woman brought out handcuffs and gave Henry a mischievous smile. He was wincing in pain and trying to get a clearer picture of this woman. She was his superwoman, though not beautiful to his taste.

Wearing a long unbuttoned coat, a dark pant and a gray stripped cropped top shirt. A dark hat sat on her long blonde hair. Her plump lips wearing red and a deadly smile.

She must be a lady of pride and courageous. He wondered how she knocked them down unexpectedly.

"It's the first time I'm seeing the king himself... it's just an honor" she spat in a mockery tone and then studied him from head to toe. He looked too simple from the tales she had heard of him.

"Responsible haircut, smooth skin, no scar...did you go for a surgery?" She furthers tugging the gun in her hand to hang on her waist belt.

Her statement was unusual for a bizzare night. He clears his throat, she had just saved him and so he stretched his hand for a shake and appreciation. Possibly, she would be be able to answer his question.

"Do...I..." He squeezes out in a timorous tone attempting to stand erect and compose himself.

"In your grave, I would do an intro" she screeches in his ears and he got fidgety ducking his head away from her. She took his hands and fixed the handcuffs on his left wrist and the other on hers.

"I can't lose you" this woman gestures with a crackle like a joker. There she goes with her disturbing smile. 

She began to stow away with him, hauling him along aggressively that he almost tripped on his steps. 

He abandoned his luggage as they were moving away from the bridge. It hadn't rang in his mind to make a call with the aid of his free hand. However, how could he when this woman was threatening.

"Look, lady miss, you got the wrong guy... What price tag are you talking about?"

"Shut the f**k up!" She orders taking a glimpse at him while gazing at the lonely path they were taking.

This woman was expecting a car to have reached where she was. Wales was staggering in his steps behind her as he couldn't fight back, besides he was on handcuff with this lady.

They had walked a distance away from the bridge and were now standing at the crosswalk close by. It was like though everyone around vacated the place as it turns out to be void of people.

He felt insecure because this woman might kill him too and know one would know.

"Damn it! Can I at least make a phone call..." He suddenly shuts his mouth when she took out the gun around her waist, turns him to face her and points it at his head.

"Any more words and I would drive a bullet to your head" she threatens brawling at him.

"Arghhh!" He unexpectedly screamed like a child when a bullet rang through this lady's head and she fell on him lifelessly.

Ironically, she was the one who got hit by a bullet. Her whole weight lean on him and he had to fall to the ground while she was on him. How did he get into this mess.

"Jesus Christ!" He cried as blood drool from her head to his shirt. He felt like throwing up as he hates the stench of blood.

This was real and no one was saving him from this chaos. Where do all these people come from?