The kiss

She felt frustrated as none of the stories were in line. To worsen it, the address keeps changing.

How does he do that? Nevertheless, she had to trust the paper and if they cross path, she would ask about the paper.

Her head was throbbing and finding Wales was bemusing.

It took all the day to get to the final destination. That's if he was in this suite somewhere in the woods.

The villa was a cozy cottage with a red roof and white walls. It stands out among the green trees and grasses that surround it.

The front door opens to a spacious living room with a fireplace that crackles on cold nights. 

The smell of wood smoke fills the air and warms her heart. 

She was intrigued by many of its characteristics, such as the fact that it was two stories-two story houses.

Sneaking through the hedges and escaping the guards on duty, she found herself behind the house.

She looked up at the obnoxious house, the overabundance of metal and glass disrupting what would have been an otherwise beautiful ocean view.

It flaunts a small yet dainty garden at the entrance to the house. 

As she enter her eyes view an elegant formal living room attached to a stylish and chic family dining room.

It was quite empty and avoiding any stranger was the best to keep her safe.

Somehow, she expected someone to jump at her, attack her and try to kill but it was just quiet!

Where did everyone go? Usually, the place was meant to be armed, goosebumps were meant to fill her up but nothing of such.

Could she be in the wrong place? While her legs moves steadily, her eyes were intact monitoring the place.

She shudders as she saw bodies of men in place lined up like carpets.

Lisa swallowed hard. Something must have happened. Now she could tell the reason for the serene vicinity.

A lamp was close to where she stood and she grabbed it for protection.

"Tyler?" She whispers, muster up courage and kept moving.

Storming through the stairs, she pass through the corridors that makes this stairs, holding the lamp as a pointer.

Lisa had opened all the doors and it was left for one. Hastily, she placed her grip on it, gulp hard, slowly turned the knob, spur the door open and jumped inside.

She acted on reflex and the first person she saw went for the hit.

"Fuck!" Wales cried squatting low and rubbing his head.

Lisa was startled as her eyes could clear see who she had hit.

Nervously, she strolled that eyes to see for herself only to see more men unconscious.

What just happened?

"Oh my gosh...I thought you were abducted?" She confesses attempting to massage his head but he pushes her away from him.

"You came late!" He snapped raising his head and pacing closer to the man he had tied on the chair.

"Who sent you?" He furthers ignoring the surprised face of Lisa. Of course, anyone would be stunned to know how he was able to take down such men.

"No one... you're my partner..."

"Shut up!" Wales yells at her as she wasn't the person he was referring to.

Lisa got annoyed and folded her arms. She shouldn't have been worried if he could sort his problems himself.

She was the fool for going after him and she was perplexed by that.

The second victim of his wrath was subconscious. The sight of his nightmare(Wales) made him sneeze blood.

"We...are...just... following orders" he struggled to speak losing his breath. He further explained that they haven't seen the man who sent them.

Meanwhile, Lisa was pacing to and fro, searching for any clue to help at least. Besides, she was used to his rude actions.

Wales glared at him and grabble his neck in fury. His eyes had suddenly gone red but he quickly switch it back after realizing that Lisa was still with him.

Earlier, when he had woken up in this suite, he knew he wasn't out of danger yet.

His ears could detect footsteps drawing towards his room. Nervously, he tried if his powers would come on and it did.

His powers came, that's when Lisa was close by. But he doubts the thesis.

Swirling his hands and positing his hind leg, he had produced a dark hue which would knock everyone dead on the outside dead.

It covered the whole suite and the only person who survived was this victim of his, probably because he was inside with Wales.

"Let's just leave him, he is a hunter, people who are sent by mafias to kill their rivals... it's just between mafias not ghost" she narrates drawing closer to wales.

"Then how do I find him?"

"You will but I doubt if this guy have the information you need" Lisa concluded walking out of the place.

It was left for him to listen to her or not. Wales could tell there was a shadow lurking around.

Soon, they both heard a loud sound from outside the suite. They both hasten to where the noise was coming from and found a shadow sinking into a door. 

Lisa almost collapsed at what her eyes behold if wales hadn't helped her from stumbling.

He was right, there was a haunting shadow searching for a prey. 

But it looked so abnormal that her stomach twitch with fear. 

The young man beckoned on her not to flip off and stay hidden, while he raced towards where the shadow prod to.

Right before her eyes, the strange patient whom she had no idea of what his name could be, vanished along with the shadow. It looked like she was in a dream or some action scene.

If she wasn't mistaken, this man's fingers morphed into claws, and she shuddered, almost going breathless. 

Rather than staying where he assigned her to hide, she ran to make a phone call to the cops.

She had seen far too much on her first day at resumption and now, she was trapped with a man who turned out to be what she couldn't describe!

Lisa got to a phone booth located opposite this place, and dialed the police number. 

Her eyes scrolled to and fro, unsecured. Just when she was about to say a word, all the lights black out. 

Fear gripped her at once as she was stucked to where she stood. What was happening now? How could there be a black-out in the suite?

Lisa was so scared that she became hypersensitive. 

The lights should have come on by this time. She beckoned on herself to remain strong or else her blood pressure might shoot up.

Lisa was devastated if to move from where she stood or stay still until the light comes back on. 

While she was lost in thoughts, a cold breeze swept off her face as it carried a wailing noise where she stood. 

Her body shook, and the phone in her hand fell. It seems she couldn't lie to herself. 

She can't be brave because something paranormal was taking place, and she was a witness to that.

It felt like where she found herself was an isolated part of the hospital, and it made her flinch. 

Everything was happening so quickly that she wished she should have never ventured out to look for her patient.

Lisa could barely tell what was happening, however, the ray from the full moon aided her eyes, and so she intended to leave the booth but then, a shadow obstructed her view.

This was the same shadow she had come across. 

Could it have drained that strange patient's soul and now paced to her? She thought the strange man with claws must have handled it.

Lisa was glued to where she was, finding it difficult to move. The shadow hissed in a gothic tone, and it screeches at her face.

"Found ya, you're the reason I'm here… lisa…daughter of…" The shadow couldn't complete it statement as Wales appeared out of the blue and used his claws to slash the shadow.

Earlier, the shadow had slip out of his catch and faded towards where this nurse could, as though it sensed who it searched for close by. 

The shadow had caused the lights to black out just to get to her, but it seems Wales had shown up again to save her.

Lisa shuddered as the shadow screech and puffed into smoke. Her heart pounced heavily, mostly the fact when the shadow declared that she was who it seeks after.

Horripilations filled her up when she beholds the strange patient standing in front of her.

Wales pants as he could see her shaking where she stood. She wasn't meant to see him in this form, and any human who saw him in his wolf like form had to be killed.

Her shaky eyes met with his mauve eyes, which evolved gradually to his normal eyes. 

Those eyes shifted to his claws and tears began to brew up in her eyes due to fear that she covered her mouth and stepped back in bewilderment. 

What was he? Her suspicion was right, this wasn't a man, but an alien.

He stepped forward, and she cried that he should stay away from her. Definitely, he had to kill her or else, she was going to expose who he was.

Wales gaze at her darken as he stretched his claws at her.

"Help!!!" She screamed, frightened as she could tell that this man would certainly kill her. 

Her voice was so weak that she could barely recognize that it was hers. Quickly, he grappled her neck and banged her back to the wall.

Her legs weren't touching the ground as her two hands struggled to get off his grip. For a moment, she felt she would be kissing the earth goodbye.

"Please… don't…kill me…" She pleaded as her breath was ceasing due to his hard grip on her. 

It was like though those words were her saving grace as he stopped, and she glides to the ground in a sitting position.

Lisa coughed, she would have greeted the heavens on her first day at work. If she ever survives this man, she was going to resign from this hospital.

He couldn't kill her now because he found something glowing in her eyes while she cried out. However, he needed to wipe her memory.

Lisa stoop low to where she sat feebly, her head was low as she massaged her aching throat while panting heavily.

He cupped her cheeks in his hands, and she shuddered at his touch. What was going on in that mind of his now? 

Lisa shoved his hands off her cheeks and then attempted to stand, but he placed his hands on her thigh, brought his face closer to her and then kissed her. 

She widened her eyes as this man as once again, she was going breathless and had her tongue caressed and twirled by his.

While he ardently kissed her, he suddenly felt some memories lurking in his brain. He felt his powers resurge.

Somehow, that was a misery for him that he needed to seek answers to whom this woman was, and why was the memory coming back through this girl's kiss?

She tried to break away from his kiss, but his warm arms yanked her head closer just so he consumed her wet lips.

Her elbows became limp, the inches between their bodies was covered up as this man slammed his body on her. 

He was draining every energy in her through the mouth as he growled hungrily.