Chapter 93: Simba, Marlin, and Lily Leave

It was the next day, having already woken up from my sleep with Lily hugging my body; I quickly got myself dressed, and within a measly hour, I was standing at the entrance of Hyphen while Simba, Marlin, and Lily stood opposite of me.

"So this is where we part way?" Remarked Alexander lightly with a sad smile, standing near the city's exit while gazing at Simba, Marlin, and Lily, who were all about to leave.

"Yes, as much as we enjoy your lively presence, we have our own lives to live; besides, we wouldn't wish to impede your own journey." Said Lily with a slightly sad smile as she approached Alexander and hugged him.

Feeling Lily's body press against mine as she hugged me, which might've been the first time she touched my body without any sexual intentions behind it, I reciprocated and hugged her as well, though I suppose she can only suppress her natural desires for so long since I felt her hands make their way to my butt.

'It was enjoyable while it lasted.' Mused Alexander with a shake of his head as he felt Lily's hands squeezing his butt, prompting him to remove her from the hug.

"Hehe; I'm also going to miss this lovely bird. She's so fluffy and cute!" Added Lily with a mischievous chuckle before embracing Talis from Alexander's shoulder.

"Urgh! Let me go, Lily! A-At least don't squeeze so much; I-I can't breathe!" Yelled Talis as she tried to wiggle her way out of Lily's grasp, though she only continued to sink deeper into her cleavage before only her fluffy, feathery tail was visible.

'Tch, lucky bird.' Thought the numerous men as they walked past Lily while eyeing Talis with an envious gaze.

Chuckling at the heaven Talis was currently experiencing, I unceremoniously reached into Lily's cleavage and gently yanked Talis out of her massive bust, prompting Talis to instantly perch herself on my head, further away from Lily's grasp.

"T-Thanks, Alex; I-I nearly died suffocating between her breasts!" Yelled Talis between her large breaths as she gently patted Alexander's face with her wing.

"I'm going to miss you, Talis!" Stated Lily with a heartbroken expression as she looked at Talis while backing away, letting someone else say their farewells.

"Haha, Make sure to live up to Leader and become the best Adventurer alive!" Simba said with a large smile as he wrapped Alexander in a powerful hug that might've broken a few of his bones.

"I-I will t-try my best S-Simba." Remarked Alexander as he suppressed his desire to howl in pain and lightly patted Simba's arm, causing him to release the hug.

'Fuck man, nearly caved my chest in.' Thought Alexander with a frown as he felt his body heal at astonishing speed, and not even ten seconds later, he returned to peak condition.

"That's what I love to hear!" Yelled Simba enthusiastically as he patted Alexander's shoulder, dislocating it for a second time.

Fixing my shoulder for a second time because Simba apparently couldn't properly control his strength, he backed away next to Lily while Marlin stepped closer, though unlike the other two, he didn't offer a hug, which I was somewhat glad for. I didn't want another mab grabbing my butt, and I didn't want him to break one of my shoulders accidentally.

"Be smart, don't do anything stupid, and survive." Said Marlin seriously as he looked at Alexander while the two shook hands, though he felt a little nervous afterward.

"Did your farewell speech have to sound like you were a father watching their son go fight a war? It doesn't exactly fill me with confidence." Remarked Alexander with a forced smile as he subconsciously became more alert of his surroundings.

"The real world is more terrifying than war; in war, at least you know who your enemies and your allies are; the same can't be said for everyday life. If you ever need assistance, just call one of us through Lavender's Adventurer license." Stated Marlin solemnly with a hardened gaze while eyeing Alexander, causing him to nod his head rapidly.

"I-I understand, Marlin." Replied Alexander with a small smile, causing Marlin to nod before turning around and walking toward Simba and Lily.

Seeing the three stand beside each other, I couldn't help but sigh; it was weird; despite only knowing them for a little over two weeks, it felt like I'd experienced so much with them, and It was sad to see them go, and a part of me didn't wish to separate from them.

'Haa, but they're right; they've got their own lives to live, and I've got my own to start.' Mused Alexander a bitter-sweet smile as he watched Marlin, Simba, and Lily turn around and walk away after saying their final farewells.

"Bye, Alexander! Seeya later! Farewell." Said Lily, Simba, and Marlin, respectively, as they exited Hyphen amidst a small crowd before suddenly vanishing.

Seeing them disappear, I sighed once more before turning around and walking away from the city gates; it was time to start my own adventure.

"Heh, ready, Talis?" Asked Alexander with a slight smile as he grabbed Talis from atop his head and held her in his arms.

"Hmm, ready for what?" Asked Talis in confusion as she looked up at Alexander, who merely chuckled.

"Hehe, I don't know. But that's the beauty of it, isn't it?" Muttered Alexander; his words only confused Talis even more, but she forgot about it once he stroked her.



For about two hours, Talis and I walked around the city, getting a better layout of Hyphen; thankfully, the city was properly separated into sections or districts. The south side of Hyphen, where I'm currently staying at that inn, is the residential area, which makes sense, considering I see almost nothing but inns and houses; the west side of Hyphen has two districts, the commercial and market district, which I will add, is also the most bustling place in the city by far.

The north side of Hyphen was the redlight district, full of brothels and bars, a place I don't plan to visit at all; I mean, diseases still exist, right? Besides, lately, I haven't been sexually active at all, so there's that; plus, none of the women I saw were that attractive, and they all wore heavy makeup, which only made them uglier, in my opinion, but I digress. The east side of Hyphen was the industrial district, so it's also pretty bustling, but I also don't see myself visiting this place often; the final district, the center district, is where the dungeon is located, along with the Mayor's house, and the Mage and Adventurer guild's sub-bases.

This area was packed, not nearly as crowded as the west side of Hyphen, but it's a close second; though instead of civilians, most people looked to adventurers or mages.

"Excuse me. Excuse me." Said Alexander lightly as he squeezed and maneuvered through the crowd, occasionally bumping into people, who merely glared at him before scoffing.

After getting through the crowd of people, I sat down on a large fountain and used this chance to observe the dungeon with [Heroes Gaze], which honestly seemed to be the same as the other dungeons; the only difference was the vitality coursing through the walls were much more potent.

"Hmm, I should learn more about dungeons; I'm sure I could find a library or-" Said Alexander curiously while looking at the dungeon that adventures constantly entered and exited, though he trails off toward the end when he noticed a large armored figure emerge from the dungeon.

I didn't know why, but when I laid eyes on that figure, my heart instantly started pounding, and as I watched the armored figure walk through the crowd unhindered, I quickly stood up and followed after them.

"Eh? What's the matter, Alex?" Asked Talis in surprise, nearly falling off Alexander's shoulder when he stood up, though her question fell on deaf ears.

However, unlike the armored figure, I couldn't just walk through the crowd of people as quickly as them, and I was progressively losing ground; I tried speeding up, but that failed miserably.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me-" Said Alexander as he speedily walked through the crowd before suddenly colliding with someone, only to fall atop a nearby woman.

'Ugh, ouch.' Thought Alexander with annoyance as he lay collapsed atop a woman.

Getting up, I placed my hand atop the woman's body, which I didn't even know I was lying on, and ended up accidentally grabbing her breasts.

"What the? S-Sorry!" Muttered Alexander in confusion as he looked down, only to notice a light-skinned woman with blue eyes, pointy ears, and long blonde hair looking directly at him.

"If you're sorry, release your hand!" Yelled the elven woman angrily with slight tears in her eyes as she glared at Alexander, who swiftly removed his hand.

Quickly standing up, I reached down and tried to assist the elven woman, but she smacked my hand away before standing up on her own.

"I-I'm deeply sorry for that; I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and-" Said Alexander with a slight blush as he apologized, though he couldn't finish since a hand smacked him in the face.

"Hmph, pervert." Declared the elven woman with a huff as she fixed her long robe before turning around and walking away.

'Haa, I deserve that.' Thought Alexander with a sigh, only to feel someone pat his shoulder suddenly.

"Just had a fight with your girl?" Asked an older man wearing light armor with a battle axe attached to his back.

"Eh?" Remarked Alexander with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the older man to his right.