Chapter 140: Return Home

Hugging Yuki, I softly patted her back, knowing it must've been a very heavy emotional and mental burden to essentially kill your own friend without any way of knowing everything would be fine other than my word; so, for the next ten or so minutes, we stayed on our knees while hugging each other, which would've been more comfortable without her armor, but alas, we are still in a dungeon at the end of the day.

"Yuki, are you okay now?" Asked Alexander softly as he rubbed Yuki's back while she softly nodded.

"Y-Yeah, i-I'm feeling slightly better." Muttered Yuki while sniffling as she wiped her face, cleaning the snot and tears before she released Alexander from the hug, prompting him to stand up and stretch.

'Ahh, that feels good.' Thought Alexander with a sigh of pleasure as he stretched his arms, only to suddenly be flung towards the wall, having received a mighty punch from Yuki, who glared at him angrily.

"DON'T EVER MAKE ME DO THAT AGAIN!!" Yelled Yuki with a myriad of emotions, the three most potent being fear, pain, and anger, tears streaming down her face as she clenched her fists while glaring at Alexander, who was currently holding his stomach while kneeling on the ground.

"Ugh, I u-understood, Y-Yuki." Replied Alexander with a nod as he spat out his golden blood while his body quickly healed itself from the injury he sustained from Yuki's punch.

'F-Fuck me, I-I don't think she held back in that punch.' Thought Alexander with a pain-filled expression as he stood back up once the pain subsided.

Patting the dirt and dust off my armor, I approached Yuki before hugging her once more; although it was the only way for us to both live, I had put her through a lot, and while I wouldn't say I deserved that punch, considering I had literally died, it was understandable.

"I'm sorry I forced you to do that, Yuki; though good job, the slice was clean and quick." Said Alexander softly with a faint smile as he looked up at Yuki, cracking a joke, hoping to ease the tension while he sneakily unhooked her chest plate before backing away, causing it to fall onto the ground, revealing her incredibly tight fitting clothes and massive breasts that weren't noticeable with her armor on.

"Allow me to properly express my apology." Remarked Alexander with a friendly smile as he clenched his fist while a bluish aura along with lightning surrounded it.

Filling my body with mana and strengthening it, I used [Lightning Cloak] and [Stregth Augument] to increase my raw strength to my absolute limit before violently punching the confused Yuki in the stomach, causing her to take several steps back before she kneeled on the ground while holding her abdomen.

"U-Ugh, w-what was that for, A-Alex!?" Exclaimed Yuki with a frown as he looked up at Alexander, who was glaring at her in utmost fury.

"NEXT TIME, DON'T FUCKING TRY TO KILL YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING MANIAC!!" Yelled Alexander furiously as he pointed at Yuki, causing her to groan before lowering her head and nodding.

"I-I'm sorry I-I did that. I-I had just thought you were intending to sacrifice your life for mine, a-and I wasn't just going to let that happen. S-Sorry." Replied Yuki softly with a nod while rubbing her stomach, causing Alexander to lower his hand while sighing.

"Haa, I understand, Yuki, but next time, please don't jump to conclusions; you nearly killed yourself." Said Alexander lightly as he approached Yuki, standing before her and patting her shoulder, causing her to look up, only for her to sport a soft blush while silently staring at the thing in her face.

"Hmm, is something wrong?" Muttered Alexander with a frown as he looked at Yuki before glancing at what she was staring at, only to deeply blush when he spotted his cock dangling around in full display.

'Ugh, my skill [Rebirth] can bring me back to life, but it can't give me proper clothes?' Thought Alexander with a deep blush as he swiftly backed away from Yuki before turning around and covering his crotch with his hands, which was beginning to harden.

"S-Sorry about that, Yuki, I-I didn't mean to put it all in your face like that." Said Alexander with a blush of shame and embarrassment before looking down at his cock, inwardly cursing at it.

"U-Um, i-it's fine." Muttered Yuki softly with a blush while Alexander faintly nodded, causing the tense atmosphere to quickly turn awkward.

Nodding at Yuki's words, I grabbed my space pouch from inside my armor and searched through it, hoping I had something to wear, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case; there was nothing in there that would help my current predicament. Inwardly cursing once more, I took off my shirt and remaining armor before tying my shirt around my crotch, serving as some sort of clothing option even though it looked utterly terrible; most of my butt was still viewable, and while it did hide my cock, it was doing a pathetic job at actually concealing it.

'Ugh, I can't walk around like this; this is hardly better than before.' Thought Alexander as he looked at his fully erect cock, which was standing a full twelve inches in the air proudly while he hung his head in shame.

Sighing to myself, I untied my shirt from around my waist and wore it normally, along with my armor; there was no way I was going to be able to walk around the city like that, so I might as well not even bother; besides, I'm still in the dungeon so I'm safe, kind of.

"U-Um, Yuki, c-could you try not to look, please? I-It's a little embarrassing." Said Alexander as he turned and looked at Yuki, who reflexively glanced at his crotch before looking back up at his eyes and nodding.

"Y-Yeah." Replied Yuki with a nod as she picked up her two-piece chest plate, which consisted of the front and the back, with the latter having been nearly entirely destroyed by the monster's attack.

Sighing in relief that Yuki wore her chest plate, which hid her massive bust, and hopefully, it would help in calming my cock down, but that didn't seem to be working since it showed no signs of calming.

'Ugh, why am I so horny!?' Thought Alexander in annoyance as he kicked the ground, causing the floor to tremble while the cracks grew.

Ignoring my outrageous hormones, I walked towards the edge of the hole and held out my hands, and after a few seconds, two purplish streaks were seen flying through the air before both Trinza and Zartha rested in my hands.

"Savior of the day, Zartha." Muttered Alexander as he kissed Zartha before holstering both of the day.

'We don't see you for a few minutes, Master, and you're already erect; it is truly unbelievable.' Said Zartha coldly as she looked at Alexander before shaking her head, while Trina just sighed in defeat.

'Haa, it seems our Master is just horny, Sister; I've already come to accept it.' Muttered Trina softly as she shook her head while looking at Alexander's cock, no longer caring for his unnatural horniness.

'I-I didn't ask to be this way, okay?' Remarked Alexander defensively as he hung his head down and sighed before shaking his head and looking at Yuki.

"Sorry we couldn't get your great shields, Yuki." Said Alexander as he approached Yuki, who lightly shook her head.

"It's fine, they're nothing special; I replace them every few years anyways; I'll just be buying a pair of new ones a year earlier, that's all. Besides, it's much better than the alternative; c'mon, let's go, Alex. I-I'm not feeling too well." Remarked Yuki in her deep voice as she wore her helmet and looked at Alexander, secretly taking glances at his crotch before turning around and walking the way they initially came.

Just as we were about to leave, we suddenly heard two loud roars coming from down below, the same dungeon we had just escaped from; freezing, Yuki and I glanced at each other before quickly turning around and running toward the hole's edge. Leaning over, we looked down the long hole, only to see the monster we were previously fighting along with another one, and they seemed to be fighting.

"Infighting. A second sign of a Dungeon Rampage." Muttered Alexander and Yuki, respectively, with ugly expressions as they watched the battle between the two monsters.

Despite the monsters being equal in terms of strength, one of them had drunk my golden blood and acquired [Natrual Regeneration], granting it a massive edge since most of its smaller wounds healed quickly while even the larger ones were slowly healing. As the battle progressed, it became more and more one-sided until the monster we were fighting had killed the other one, leaving it there before heading deeper into the dungeon.

"I-I think we should leave and discuss this later." Said Alexander as he looked at Yuki, who nodded, prompting them to both stand up while leaving the fifteenth floor, heading upwards towards the surface, leaving behind a massive hole that connected the two dungeons.



Opening the door to our home, I sighed in relief and collapsed onto the ground in joy; I was finally home, and it felt so good. Thanks to Yuki, before leaving the dungeon, I hid on the first floor while she quickly went to a store and bought me a pair of pants, which were two sizes too small, meaning I was walking around like a penguin trying not to rip them, not to mention for some reason, I was erect the entire time, and it was incredibly noticeable.

'Well, on the bright side, I got a ton of hungry looks from women?' Thought Alexander optimistically, though inwardly, he was sighing.