Chapter 151: Mayor Estate

Having just finished packing my room, which took most of the night, since I would also take a little break to check on Yuki, who seemed to be doing better, but I couldn't say for certain considering what had happened earlier when I left Talis with her. Right now, it was pretty early in the morning, so the sun wasn't even out yet as it was technically still night, but with everything in my room done, I turned off the lights and left, allowing Talis to sleep much more comfortably.

Quietly walking down the stairs, I headed towards the living room to check up on Yuki once more, though she was peacefully sleeping, a sight that caused me to smile lightly since she looked a lot like a sleeping beauty to me.

'Heh, maybe a soft kiss will awaken her.' Mused Alexander with a faint smile as he leaned down and kissed Yuki, who didn't so much as have a reaction, causing him to chuckle.

"Well, it was worth a shot." Muttered Alexander lightly as he quietly walked away, heading towards the front door before silently leaving the house.

I would go acquire a carriage right now, though, given that Yuki was sleeping, and besides her room, the only places I had left to pack were the living room and kitchen, which would make a lot of noise and most likely awaken Yuki, I decided to wait; however, since it was night, I doubted such a store or company would be open. So, I headed to Michelle's house, where the light was still on in one of her rooms through the window.

Hopping over the fence, I approached the door and opened it using the key before quietly closing it; walking upstairs, I approached Chloe's room, which had light shining from underneath, and gently knocked on the door, only for Michelle to open it.

"Haa, my goodness, my heart nearly exploded. Please don't scare me like that, Alexander. I'm still not used to having such a large, handsome young man in my house. I thought you might've been a home intruder." Remarked Michelle with a sigh of relief as she rested her hand atop her rapidly beating heart, causing Alexander to wryly smile since he had only been standing there.

"I appreciate the compliments, Michelle. So, how much progress have you made? More than you thought?" Asked Alexander lightly as he shook his head before entering Chloe's room while gently pushing Michelle inside, only to close the door behind them.

"You're welcome, and yes, I hadn't expected I would make so much progress; I had underestimated how much time I was given. When you said we only had six days, I must've gotten too worried and didn't fully realize how long six days truly is; besides the large furniture, I should have the whole house packed by the fourth day, and that's me being generous." Replied Michelle softly with a faint, calm smile as she observed Chloe's room, which was mostly packed with several boxes here and there, causing Alexander to nod.

"That's good to hear. I don't want you to rush and collapse once you're finished, but that six-day time limit was only an educated guess; truthfully, it could be short or longer. It's best we leave as quickly as possible." Declared Alexander solemnly as he placed his hand atop Michelle's shoulder, causing her to smile while resting her hand on his chest.

"So, did you just come to check on me?" Asked Michelle curiously as she glanced up at Alexander, who nodded in response, causing her to smile lovingly.

"Yes, and now that I know you're doing good, I intend to visit the Mayor and warn him, so hopefully, he can warn the citizens; the quicker I do that, the better. After all, without the internet and phones, information takes much longer to travel." Replied Alexander through furrowed brows as he looked out the window, eyeing the numerous houses, only to suddenly glance down at Michelle, who was softly rubbing his crotch.

"That is good to hear; however, speaking with the Mayor could be a little nerve-wracking. W-Would you l-like me to r-relieve s-some of y-your stress u-using my m-mouth a-and h-hands?" Said Michelle bashfully as she looked up at Alexander with a faint blush while gently rubbing his crotch, which was slowly beginning to harden.

"Ahh, it is very tempting, Michelle. It even feels a little wrong to refuse the request from such an alluring woman, but no, I'm not nervous, maybe a little stressed, since it feels like I have the lives of all the civilians of Hyphen in the palm of my hands, but after I inform the Mayor, hopefully, it should go away." Replied Alexander lightly as he glanced at Michelle, only to remove her hand from atop his crotch and squeeze it, causing her to nod softly.

"Anyways, I must go; I had only come to do a quick check-up, and don't worry; once this is all over and we've settled down, I'll satisfy your growing libido. Bye." Added Alexander with a faint smile as he whispered into Michelle's ear before kissing her cheek and leaving, causing her to lightly smile while waving at him.

Leaving Michelle's house after locking the door, I walked down the small street, following the path Yuki and I always take, only to arrive at one of Hyphen's main roads a few minutes later and begin my short journey toward the Mayor's mansion. The walk wasn't too long, especially since the street was rather empty; only a few people, and half of them were drunkards returning to their homes, though I had a feeling some of them would pass out before they made it to their destination.

'Ahh, there goes one right there; hopefully, no one steals his coin pouch; if you're still there when I return from discussing with the Mayor, I'll help.' Thought Alexander lightly as he glanced at an elven man passing out on the side of the street, only to shake his head and continue walking.

After a few more minutes of walking, I arrived at the dungeon, but other than glancing at it, getting an eerie feeling as my heart subtly sped up, I continued pushing forward, heading towards the mansion I could see in the distance.

'Alright, before I speak with the Mayor, I should wear this.' Thought Alexander as he reached into his pocket and grabbed what seemed to be a blindfold, which he promptly wrapped around his eyes, concealing his purple, crystal-like eyes.

Considering what I was about to do, it was best if I hid my identity. Having been in this city for a little over half a year, I've come to learn my eyes are very unique, appearance-wise. The color purple is quite rare, but I've encountered two other people with purple eyes, so other people have it. However, no one has a crystal-like appearance, which is very noticeable, especially given how it stands out against my caramel-colored skin.

So, I hid my eyes, the most recognizable thing about me, though after that, just to be on the safe side, I grabbed my space pouch and pulled out Yuki's helmet, which I may or may not have borrowed from her room.

"Eh, it should be fine; Yuki won't mind, and if she does, I'll just give her kisses until she is no longer upset. It worked on Master, so it should work on Yuki." Muttered Alexander with a faint smile as he wore the large helmet, which didn't fit him at all, though he didn't care and continued towards the mansion.

Nearing the mansion a minute later, I spotted several grounds surveying the perimeter with two stationary guards standing on either side of the entrance gate, who both noticed me walking toward them, prompting them to quickly grab the hilt of their swords.

"STOP! State your reasoning for coming; if it is not deemed important, you will be required to leave and return in the morning." Stated one of the guards sternly as he cautiously approached Alexander with his hand on his sword while intently eyeing him.

Getting a better reception than expected, I moved slowly so as not to alarm aggression from the two guards and grabbed my space pouch before tossing them something, which the approaching guard promptly caught with his outstretched. Although it was night and my eyes were blindfolded, I could vividly see the paleness on his face when he looked at my adventurer license.

"S-s… SS Class." Muttered the guard softly in absolute shock as he held the small, black, Wyvern scale adventurer licenses with two golden S's engraved on it.

"I have a gravely important matter to discuss with Mayor Sachi regarding the destruction of Hyphen." Stated Alexander with a slightly deeper than-normal voice as he looked at the guard through his blindfold, causing him to rapidly nod and give a deep bow.

"I understand, e-excuse my earlier rudeness if I had offended you, Adventurer. I-I'll inform Mayor Sachi immediately!" Said the guard solemnly as he looked at Alexander before quickly sprinting towards the gate and informing the second guard, only to enter the estate and head towards the mansion.

"R-Right this way, Adventurer. P-Please, f-follow me." Said the second guard nervously as he neared Alexander, who nodded before quietly following him while they entered the estate and headed towards the mansion.

'Well, that went better than expected; now let's hope speaking with Mayor Sachi also goes just as good. Hopefully, it should; I've heard he's a pretty competent mayor, but he's just not the friendliest. I can deal with that; I'd prefer a competent Mayor over a charismatic one any day of the week.' Thought Alexander lightly as he entered the Mansion behind the guard, following closely behind him while marveling at the interior decorations.