Chapter 215: Home, Sweet, Home

Since I currently felt terrible about myself and there was nothing better to do, I left the house, heading towards the Mage Guild to spend the rest of the day with Kurama; however, unluckily for me, she was performing alchemy so I couldn't speak with her, which meant I spent my time getting to know Kana, her disciple.

Kana was pretty chill; she was a little blunt with questions, but other than that, she seemed like a nice woman; well, this also excluded the fact that she was a little bit of a pervert. I always catch her staring at my but and crotch, which was a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't too hard to pretend I never noticed her actions. However, it was a little confusing; Kana was slightly up there in age, around Yuki's age, but she still looked great, and I had no doubt she could easily sleep with a man to satisfy her sexual desires.

'Haa, I don't know; maybe she's the picky type, and I just happen to be her type? Or maybe she is just a bigger pervert than I thought.' Mused Alexander lightly as he walked down the street of Cassandra and rubbed his chin.

Those were thoughts I could save for later as I arrived at our new home a few minutes later. When I entered the house, I noticed no one besides Lazuli and Talis was on the first floor; everyone else seemed to be on the second floor.

"When will we get furniture, Alex? The hard floor doesn't feel good." Asked Talis with a frown as she lifted her head and glanced at Alexander, who sighed in exhaustion.

"Tomorrow, so just deal with it for now." Replied Alexander lightly as he glanced at Talis, who chirped in annoyance while flapping her wings, though she promptly ignored her.

We could've bought the house with furniture, but that would've cost five extra gold, which would've been three extra gold we don't have; besides, that was a complete scam as well. We could probably buy all of the required furniture for less than ten silver, fifteen silver if we really wanted to splurge; so knowing that, why would I waste so much money?

"Only a fool would." Muttered Alexander lightly as he entered the kitchen, only to sigh when he noticed the several sacks sprawled on the island.

"Haa, Lazuli, can you come help me." Said Alexander with a slight frown as he tossed his jacket onto the counter, only to turn and glance at Lazuli, who approached him.

"Yes, you called Alexander?" Asked Lazuli with a bland expression as she glanced at Alexander, who pointed toward the island, causing her to tilt her head in confusion.

"Can you help me put all this stuff away?" Replied Alexander lightly as he stretched slightly before grabbing a sack and dumping all its contents onto the island, prompting Lazuli to nod.

With Lazuli's help, things went much faster; granted, she had no idea where things were supposed to go in the beginning, so informing her was a slow process, but once she learned, she moved with quickness. By the time we finished, only an hour had passed, though by then, the entire cabinets, pantry, fridge, and whatnot were nearly filled, giving Lazuli a high-five, something she's long since been taught about. 

Putting on my only apron, I grabbed a pot, pan, and numerous ingredients and started cooking while Lazuli curiously watched me. Halfway through, I heard heavy footsteps walking down the stairs as Yuki entered the kitchen, though only after giving Lazuli a stare.

"No touching, Yuki." Said Alexander sternly as he eyed Yuki, who stood beside him, causing her to grunt in annoyance while she folded her arms before backing away.

A few minutes later, I heard another pair of footsteps walking down the stairs, which could only be Michelle and Chloe; speaking of those two, I don't think either of them had tasted a true dish of mine. Anyways, other than a quick glance, which allowed me to confirm Michelle was still very pissed at me, I continued cooking and only finished roughly thirty minutes later.

"Lazuli, could you get me the plates?" Asked Alexander as he turned off the stove while glancing at Lazuli, who nodded and swiftly did as he said.

Once I got the plates, I gave each plate a reasonable portion, depending on who they were for, before dumping the seasoned chicken into the pot of mashed potatoes and handing it to Yuki, causing her to take it with a large smile.

"Hope you all enjoy." Said Alexander with a wry smile as he grabbed two plates and headed toward the living room, leaving Yuki, Michelle, and Chloe to search through the kitchen for utensils.

Sitting on the ground, I placed Talis's plate right in front of her before sitting on the ground and eating, though after a few bites, I suddenly heard three consecutive moans of pleasure coming from the kitchen, causing me to faintly smirk.

"~Ahhhh~" Said Michelle, Yuki, and Chloe, respectively, as they all moaned in heavenly pleasure after taking merely one bite, causing the food to explode with flavor in their mouths.

"Heh, hopefully, that'll ease their annoyance with me." Muttered Alexnder with a faint smirk as he looked at the kitchen and gently scratched Talis's body.



It was the night of the next day, and after having a terrible sleep on the hard floor since, we spent all day unpacking the carriage; when that finished, I took the carriage to a furniture store, which was unfortunately on the other side of the city, so it took quite a while. After buying a few couches, tables, desks, chairs, beds, rugs, etc… I stored them all within the carriage before returning home.

Once I returned, most of the items were already unpacked, so it wasn't too hard moving everything into the house and place it where we wanted it; however, I will say, taking Yuki's bed was really a pain in the ass, even with the taller door frame, it was still a process getting it through, we also couldn't just force it through otherwise we risked damaging it.

"Haa, finally. Took nearly all fucking day… But finally." Muttered Alexander with a sigh of relief as he plopped onto their new couch, enjoying its comfort.

Now, the only thing missing was decorations, such as pictures and whatnot, though that could wait for later; now that this house was actually liveable, I just wanted to rest.

'I really wish this world had a TV.' Thought Alexander with a sigh as he stared at the empty wall.

Honestly, without a TV, this couch felt a little pointless, but since I would be sleeping on it for the next couple of days, it didn't feel that pointless right now.

Everyone else was probably getting ready to sleep, so I did the same and lay on the couch, drifting to sleep in a matter of minutes as I closed my eyes, unaware of the dangers that began to arise.



South of what was previously Hyphen, a large camp of bandits called the Dwellers were enjoying their spoils of yesterday's raid of a small town. The leader of the Dwellers, Sul, calmly walked through his camp, glancing at his men as they drank themselves to unconscious, fought amongst themselves, ate until their stomachs bulged, or slept with their unwilling prisoners, though they did that within a tent in the corner of the camp since the screams and sobbing would ruin everyone's mood.

"Captain Sul, not going to enjoy the party?" Asked an older man with a faint smirk as he lifted his cup and glanced at Sul, who lustfully smirked.

"Hehe, I am, but it's been days since I've managed to release my pent-up lust; I'll return after I finish using my sex slave." Remarked Sul with a nasty grin as he glanced at the older man, who chuckled before downing his cup.

Once the Captain of the Dwellers, Sul, reached a large tent that other bandits tended to avoid, he promptly entered, only to immediately remove his pants, freeing his hairy manhood as he approached the young man who was chained to a log embedded into the ground; she wore nothing but a thin cloth that covered her voluptuous curves, yet while her body and even face may have been remarkable her eyes… they were empty, devoid of light and emitted nothing but eerie darkness that even shadows kept their distance from.

"Heh, I'm real glad I kept you all these years; you used to be such a tiny girl that would constantly scream whenever I fucked you… But now, you're not only incredibly sexy, you don't even utter a word." Stated the man with a wicked grin as he approached the young woman before grabbing her head and shoving his manhood down her mouth.

Sul continuously slammed his manhood down the young woman's throat, uncaring for how she felt; however, while Sul was forcing himself onto the young woman, what sounded like footsteps slowly approached their camp, though given the loud camp, none heard their approaching demise.

"O-Oh, yeah, I forgot to say, but your mom died a few days ago; she was a good slave and kept many of my men satisfied. O-Oh, f-fuck, I-I'm about to bust." Stated Sul calmly as he ruthlessly thrust his hips into the young woman's face, and just when he spewed his seed into her mouth, the ground trembled while a mighty roar of pure echoed throughout the night


The might of the roar was so powerful nearly everyone within the camp lifelessly collapsed onto the floor while bleeding from their orifices; Sul and a few others who were strong enough to survive the roar were in no shape to move.

"W-What w-was that!?" Exclaimed Sul in terror as he rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling while still cumming, only for the entire tent to suddenly be destroyed.

Peeking through Sul's tent was a massive reptilian head with a mouth full of deadly sharp teeth, yet Sul wasn't even given a chance to process what was happening as he and the portion of the ground were devoured.

Once the monster finished devouring Sul, it turned to glance at the young woman, who stared back, yet a sight that would've absolutely shocked any adventurer happened as the soulless monster lowered its head in submission toward the young woman.

The young woman didn't say anything and simply pulled against the chains that bound her, causing them to snap underneath her unordinary strength as she slowly stood up while her long, black hair covered her face, allowing for only a sliver of light to reach her eyes.


…And with a single command, the monster raised its head and violently roared once more, destroying everything and killing everyone, yet its attack was harmless to the young woman.