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Unveiled Revelations

Chapter 11: Unveiled Revelations

Anabel and Sarah stepped into the bustling atmosphere of Anabel's office, greeted by the familiar faces of colleagues and the rhythm of work. Helen, the receptionist, welcomed them with a warm smile. "Good morning, ma," Helen greeted Anabel. Anabel reciprocated the smile, inquiring about her well-being. "I'm good, ma," Helen replied, her tone cheerful. Anabel's attention shifted to Allyssa's absence. "What about Allyssa?" she asked. Helen explained that the MD had sent Allyssa on an errand, and Helen was filling in for her.

As they made their way towards the stairs, Helen complimented Sarah's baby bump, prompting a grateful smile from Sarah. Once inside Anabel's office, Sarah settled into a seat as Anabel offered her a glass of water. "I'll be back soon," Anabel assured Sarah, heading towards Harrison's office to confront him about his responsibilities.

"Good morning, daddy gal," Anabel greeted Harrison, her tone both assertive and disdainful. Harrison's response was laced with irritation, an indication of the tension that lay between them. Anabel wasted no time in conveying her message. "All I know is that I'm sure you'll take full responsibility for this child," she declared, her voice firm. "And I'm vowing this."

Harrison's attempts to downplay the situation were met with Anabel's unwavering resolve. "Your baby mama is at my office waiting for the baby father," Anabel continued, a note of determination in her tone. She urged Harrison to face the reality of the situation and accept his responsibilities.

Harrison's response was marked by dismissiveness and blame-shifting. "I'm sure it's for those men she slept with before we traveled for the business trip," he claimed, attempting to absolve himself of any responsibility. Anabel's retort was swift and unsparing. "Well, the last time I checked, Harrison, you were part of the stupid men she slept with," she countered, holding him accountable for his actions.

Anabel's sternness remained unshaken as she challenged Harrison to embrace the reality of impending parenthood. "Now I see you're the Devil in my life," Harrison accused, his frustration evident. Anabel's retort was unyielding. "You better surrender, or else you'll pay double for this scandal," she warned.

Harrison's pleas for the preservation of his marriage fell on deaf ears as Anabel's determination remained steadfast. "Anabel, do you want to destroy my home?" he questioned. Anabel's response was tinged with sarcasm. "Anabel chuckles, 'Were you building a home?'"

The confrontation escalated as Anabel confronted Harrison with his betrayal. "Mr. man, please let's hurry to start the journey. We've got no time to waste," Anabel urged. She maintained her resolve despite Harrison's attempts to deflect and defend his actions. "I also have an important thing to do today."

As they moved to confront the MD, the scene took an unexpected turn. The MD was found in a compromising position with a lady. Anabel's shock was palpable as she processed the scene before her. The MD's casual demeanor only heightened Anabel's disbelief.

Anabel's professionalism took precedence as she greeted the MD, but her thoughts were undoubtedly consumed by the scene she had witnessed. Harrison's presence only added to the tension in the room. The interaction revealed an unsettling dynamic between the MD and his employee.

The MD's discovery of Harrison's relationship with the lady, Lisa, brought the situation to a head. The revelation that Lisa was Harrison's wife added a layer of complexity to the unfolding drama. Anabel's attempt to defuse the tension was met with Lisa's embarrassment and Harrison's anger.

As Anabel and Harrison left the MD's office, the confrontation escalated. Harrison's accusation that Lisa was having an affair with the MD left Anabel reeling. Anabel's response was sharp, exposing Harrison's hypocrisy and lack of accountability. "Well, my dear beautiful Lisa, you and your boy... you call your husband, are expecting a glorious and beautiful baby girl," Anabel declared.

Anabel's confrontation with Harrison continued in the car as they headed to the Mother and Child Hospital. The tension in the air was palpable as they awaited the results of the paternity test. Anabel's determination to unveil the truth and confront Harrison's denial remained unshaken.

When the doctor arrived with the test results, the moment of truth arrived. The positive result was a blow to Harrison's facade, and the reality of impending fatherhood hit him hard. Anabel's determination to hold Harrison accountable was vindicated, and her anger simmered beneath the surface.

Harrison's shock and disgrace were evident as he processed the revelation. Anabel's pointed words and accusations left him exposed, and his attempts to save face were in vain. The emotions in the room were charged as the weight of the truth settled in.

Anabel's determination to ensure Harrison's accountability was unrelenting. As Harrison hesitated to sign the necessary documents, Anabel's warning was clear. "You will regret it," she cautioned, her resolve unwavering. The transaction was completed, and Anabel's victory was apparent as she confirmed the transfer's success.

As they left the hospital, the emotional strain of the confrontation was evident. Anabel's frustration with Harrison and the situation was palpable, and Sarah's shame was equally apparent. The need for financial assistance added to the tension as they navigated the aftermath of their confrontation with Harrison.

Anabel's insistence on swift action underscored her determination to face the challenges head-on. Harrison's apology was met with Anabel's firm resolve to pursue justice and accountability. The exchange marked a turning point in their battle for the truth.

As Anabel ordered a cab and prepared to leave, her words to Sarah carried a mixture of empathy and determination. "Sarah, don't get me mad," Anabel urged, a reminder of their united front against the trials they faced. Their bond remained unwavering as they prepared to navigate the uncertain path that lay ahead.