Warm Baritone

Andrea thought that if she hurried, she should be able to complete the filing for a replacement arraignment and get it submitted to the court in time to schedule a new court date. Ordinarily, she wouldn't have rushed, but with Kyle's case, everything had the added time pressure. They needed Kyle out on bail, both for his safety and so he could help with their investigation.

As she walked up the steps to the courthouse, she was joined by the familiar figure of Dominic Roth.

"Good afternoon, Andrea," he said in that deliciously rich voice of his. "How goes your day today?"

"Fine, Dom. Thanks," she replied. She would have loved to have been able to talk over her case with Dominic and ask his advice, but right now, the fewer people who knew what was going on, the more likely they would be able to keep things secret.

"I hear that you have been creating quite the stir these last few days…" Dominic said.

…Okay, so much for keeping things a secret. Andrea was careful not to react or assume too much. She had no idea what Dominic might actually know at this point.

"Oh really?" she replied noncommittally, which she knew sounded fake. The trouble was, it was hard to imagine how she would have normally reacted to something like this. She'd never been the talk of the courthouse to the point that even Dominic, who didn't normally engage in gossip, would have heard.

"Well, just between you, me and the doorposts," he said, stepping forward to hold the door open for her, "Peters and Jacobi happened to tell me they had picked up several of your assigned cases each. Although I'm not sure they managed to deduce the implications, they seem to think you had to take some unexpected sick leave."

Unexpected sick leave? She wondered if Jacquelyn had planted that rumor as a smokescreen or if they had just come up with that themselves. It was true that she hadn't been in the offices as much as she normally would, so maybe it wasn't crazy to think she was out sick.

"Well, as you can see… not sick," she said. "Feeling… feeling fine!"

"I'm very glad to hear that," Dominic said warmly. He hit the elevator call button and then stepped back to allow Andrea to step in first when it arrived. As the doors slid shut, the two of them had the elevator to themselves.

Despite being alone, Dominic lowered his deep voice to a quiet husky tone. "Of course, those of us with a little more experience can connect the dots." He tapped his nose conspiratorially. "I'm sure whatever Jackie has you working on, I'm sure you'll be up to the task, and I hope that it gives you the recognition and opportunity for advancement you deserve."

Just how much did he know? Andrea was impressed but not surprised by Dominic's insight. With only a few clues, he seemed to have worked out that she was working on a big case, one more prestigious than she had ever had before. It was a relief that the news didn't seem to be widespread and that Dominic seemed willing to keep things confidential.

"Thanks, Dom. I really appreciate that," she said, returning his warm smile.

The doors opened and once again Dominic stepped aside to allow Andrea to go first. Normally, that would have been the end of the conversation, Dominic worked on a different floor. But today he stepped out after her and seemed to be going in the same direction.

"Now, please don't take this as any kind of comment on your degree of experience, but rather just a heartfelt desire to support a rising star in our business, but if ever I can offer you my advice, please don't hesitate to ask. My door is always open to you, Andrea." He gave a self-effacing smile to show that he realized how cliche that line sounded, but that he was being sincere.

If she wasn't against the clock even more than usual, Andrea would have been awfully tempted to take the offer. She was sure that Dominic would be able to offer invaluable advice to the case, but that would mean telling him the details, and Andrea knew this wasn't the right time. She made a mental note to contact him when the time seemed right though.

"That's very kind of you, Dom. I'll definitely keep that in mind." She didn't know how to turn him down without it sounding like she was rebuffing his offer, but she knew if she tried to explain herself she would end up rambling and risk letting slip something better kept secret right now.

Dom didn't seem to take it personally, though. He just gave a courteous nod, his face, as always, a mask of quiet confidence and calm.

As they approached the public defenders office, Jacquelyn emerged trailed by a group of Tims like the tail of a comet. She seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. As they passed, Jacquelyn slowed just long enough to give Dominic a nod of recognition. "Mr Roth," she said.

"Ms Woodjecowski," he replied, which Andrea had to admit was awfully close to being the correct pronunciation.

Was she picking up on something between the two of them? The whole exchange only lasted a moment, but there was something about Jackie's expression, about Dominic's tone of voice that… did they have some kind of history together? Andrea would have loved to ask. Of course, Dominic would probably just smile and say something like, 'A gentleman would never kiss and tell.' Jackie would just tell her to mind her own damn business.

The office was the usual afternoon bustle as the various members of the department scurried to complete their work; official business had to be concluded by 5 o'clock, and everyone wanted to get whatever filings or appeals they were working on submitted before the deadline if they could. Most court appearances were in the morning or early afternoon, so a lot of the paperwork and red tape was handled in the late afternoon.

Two people who weren't rushing around or busy on their phones or computers were Simon and Madison, who were engaged in animated conversation with Simon perched on the corner of Madison's desk. Simon and Madison were close friends, part of the reason that Madison had pushed so hard for Andrea to give him a chance, and a lot of the reason that Andrea had been willing to give him even that much.

Not for the first time, Andrea admired Madison's easy way of interacting with people. She had a natural confidence that let her flourish in any company. And it seemed to come effortlessly to her. Andrea couldn't remember ever seeing her feel awkward.

Which was surprising in a way, since Madison, bless her, certainly did have a somewhat awkward look. She was tall and thin, but not in a willowy supermodel kind of way. Add the explosion of red hair on top, and the overall impression was of a very friendly matchstick. But Madison made it work.

She was in the middle of laughing so hard at something Simon had just said, she could only wave a greeting when Andrea and Dominic arrived.

Simon turned to see who she was waving to. "Oh! Hi, Dom, Andrea. Hey, Andi, did you ever manage to grab lunch today?"

"I grabbed a snack on the road," she said. In truth, with all her rushing from the precinct to the scene and back and then to court, she hadn't had a chance to eat anything. She hoped that her stomach wouldn't betray her by rumbling at the wrong moment, because she could guess what was coming next…

"How would you like to grab an early dinner? My treat?"

Andrea opened her mouth to explain that she had an urgent filing to submit, but then wondered if it would be good to mention that to him– would it risk him asking for more information about her case? It might seem suspicious if she was too evasive about things.

Dominic stepped forward. "Actually, Mr Walker, you're just the man I was looking for. I was hoping that I might have a word with you?"

Simon looked disappointed at the interruption. "Uhhh, sure Dominic, but can I maybe catch up with you later?"

Dominic put a paternal arm around Simon's shoulders and seemed for all the world to be guiding him away. "Don't worry, Walker, I promise this won't take long."

Dominic was too subtle to do anything so overt as to wink, but he caught Andrea's eye on the way out in a way that made her suspect that this had been a rescue attempt on his part. She was grateful for his intervention. His rumbling baritone faded into the distance as he walked Simon out of the office and down the corridor, leaving Madison and Andrea in peace.