Fresh Fish

"Hey, fresh fish!" the lead man called.

Kyle stopped. So he'd been right, people DID say that in prison…

What were his options? Run? And get branded a coward. Plus, probably get lost and stuck in a dead end. No, if there was going to be a fight, this was the place. The guards were more likely to intervene. Can't back down. At least he had his three cellmates–

"Good luck, man," said Gus, and he and Marco strolled away as briskly as they could without looking suspicious. Trey gave Kyle a shrug as though to say no amount of cigarettes were worth getting involved in this before he loped after them.

–Okay, no cellmates. So three against one. Not quite fair odds. Stick to the plan: don't have to win, just can't lose. Just survive long enough for the guards to break things up.