Special Connection

"—And she's just got such a great presence in court. I can tell that she worries about it from her face when she thinks no one is looking, but then she gets up and knocks it out of the park!" said Kyle.

The two of them were leaning their backs against opposite walls of the hallway, with Kyle hidden from view.

The couple of times anyone had approached, they'd seen Adams first and suddenly remembered somewhere else they needed to be.

Adams nodded. "I only got to see Ms Mason present on my own, but I thought that she argued well, even though the odds were stacked against us."

"I know, right? She very nearly won that one for you."

Adams looked at Kyle ruefully. "Maybe if the prosecution hadn't made such a strong argument for how unlikely it was I was innocent, maybe we would have won."

Kyle winced. "Yeah, sorry about that, buddy." He leaned forward and patted Adams on the shoulder. "We'll get you straightened out. Although I guess I should ask… off the record, DID you do it?"