You’re My…

Giles must have known his stuff because less than an hour after leaving the courtroom, Andrea was notified that her client had been released. She found Kyle dressed in the same suit he had been wearing when he had been arrested. It was still extremely disheveled.

Kyle stretched his arms out and did a slow turn around. "What do you think? A bit more like my old self?"

Not very discreetly, he lifted his own arm to his nose and sniffed.

"Okay, so I've gone from prison stank to eau-du-police-station, but that's still an improvement. And this," he said, patting the overnight bag he was holding, "should help me finish the job!"

"I didn't know the prison system gave inmates party bags when they let them out," Andrea said.

"Certainly not like this!" replied Kyle. "No, this is my backup supply I keep in my office in case I need to freshen up when pulling an all-nighter. I snuck up there to grab it. Hopefully not too many people noticed me in this state."