Chef Kyle

"Now," Kyle eventually asked, "where's your knife block?"

"I don't have one," Andrea replied. "Knives are in the cutlery drawer."

Andrea thought she heard a slight gasp from Kyle as he opened the drawer.

"Andrea… your knives are just rattling around in the drawer with everything else," he said, in what Andrea thought was a far too dramatic tone of voice.


"So?! The edges will get ruined! When did you last have these resharpened?"

"They come sharp, why would they need resharpening?" She knew better, but it was fun to tease Kyle over his cooking obsession. Besides, the knives still cut perfectly well. Kyle was just being a knife-snob.

"You know what, it's fine. Check this out." Kyle dug through her cupboards until he found her coffee cups. Grabbing one of the most beat-up looking mugs, he flipped it upside down and started methodically running several of her kitchen knives against the bottom of the mug.