Get a Room

Andrea mused on what Kyle had said as she drove. Starcrossed? Hardly. If anything, fate seemed to be conspiring to push them together. Or if not fate, then certainly Kyle.

"What I meant was, if you prosecute the same case I'm defending, don't you think working together would be a huge conflict of interests? Unless you're planning on switching back to defense and joining the public defenders?" she teased.

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Maybe, would that be so crazy?"

Andrea laughed. "Pretty crazy! And even if you did, Ms Wojciechowski would have us working on different cases, so we still wouldn't need a team name. AND, you would be so busy with the caseload, you wouldn't have time to go driving around farmers markets picking out ingredients."

"That would be a big sacrifice," he conceded. "I'll need to give this some serious thought."