Big Bad Bob

There didn't seem to be much else to be learned from the evidence storage. But there was one other lead it made sense to follow up on while they were at the precinct.

Riding the elevator down to the basement, the atmosphere wasn't as creepy as it had felt the first time. The last time Andrea had been down to the morgue, she had been so hopped up on caffeine, adrenaline and eagerness to prove her theory, she had hardly noticed it. This was the first time she had company as she took the trip down to the eerie basement of the police station. Kyle certainly didn't seem bothered, and that helped make things feel less spooky.

They had called ahead, so Dr Bob was expecting them. As the morgue door creaked open, Andrea went to greet him, but Kyle beat her to it.

"Big Bad Bob!" he cried, shaking Bob's hand. It happened too quick for Andrea to follow, but she could have sworn they had some sort of secret handshake…?