Grape Press

Dominic made sure they were both seated comfortably in the back seat before turning back to the wheel. "So how did you both end up so far from the courthouse?" he asked as he pulled into traffic.

"Actually, we're parked at the police station," Andrea corrected. "It should be on your way if you don't mind dropping us off there."

"Of course," said Dominic. "Happy to be of assistance."

"Thanks, Grape Press," said Kyle.

Andrea thought she was starting to understand the twisted logic of Kyle's nicknames. "Dominic, I have to ask, 'Grape Press' is… because you enjoy wine?"

"Actually, I believe it started as a pun, Grapes of Roth. But after I schooled young Mr Wynn on some of the nuances of California Chardonnays, he took to calling me Grape Press, and I have to say, there are many people he's inflicted worse names upon."

"Is there anyone you don't have a nickname for?" Andrea asked Kyle.