Tall Drip

Kyle insisted that they at least finish the conversation they'd been having when Simon interrupted before going hotel hunting. If he could string things along until lunchtime…

"No, you're stalling!" accused Andrea.

"I'm investigating!" he said. And stalling. He could be doing more than one thing. "So go on, you were asking about Triss…?"

Eager as she was to kick him out, Kyle could tell she clearly wanted to ask her questions. "Alright… You said you met at a grocery store, was that your usual store?" 

Hah! Usual store, as though he had just one. But it was one of his regulars. "Yes," he said, for the sake of simplicity.

"So she probably targeted you there to engineer a meeting, rather than it being a usual place for her?"

"Definitely," replied Kyle derisively. "She didn't know where a thing was in that store."