
Andrea had expected that Noelle Hawke might dash over to greet Kyle when she spotted him, or at the very least wave him over in her excitement to talk to him. Given how Hawke had described how much his wife missed Kyle, and the lengths he had gone to engineer the meeting, she would presumably be delighted to see her son.

Instead, when Noelle noticed Kyle and Andrea approaching, she gave the smallest of upward nods of recognition. Kyle gave a tight smile and returned the nod, stopping where they were. Noelle turned her attention back to the couple she and Hawke were talking to.

Well, maybe that was understandable. Andrea had no idea who they were talking to, and they wouldn't want to be so rude as to ignore their guests when they might have been waiting a while for an opportunity to speak with the hosts. Surely, Noelle would find a polite opportunity to end the conversation and then…

…And then waved over another couple who had been waiting apparently.