The Usual

"I'm just saying we should at least think about it," said Kyle. Andrea had shut him down every time he'd tried to suggest that arming themselves made sense, and he hadn't pushed things. But he really felt that they needed to discuss the option rather than just dismiss it.

"We are not buying a gun!" Andrea said as she made the final turn on the way in towards the courthouse.

"Even though Cohen specifically told us we should?" Kyle insisted.

"He also said practice with it. Do you have a lot of experience with a handgun? You want to hold off following this lead for a few days while you hit the range?"

Kyle didn't even want to wait until that afternoon to go to the Four Leaf Club to talk to Edderkopp, but the place didn't even open until lunch, so Andrea had suggested they touch base with Madison and her research.

"Mostly sporting clays—" he started to say.