Edge of the Web

Kyle took another sip of his coffee as he looked out the window of the cafe towards the Four Leaf Club across the street. The flavor hadn't improved any for the coffee getting cold. This was worse than the pointy mouse place.

He wasn't a coffee snob, the kind of guy that would spend hours grinding his own beans and have opinions on the right kind of water to use. He'd even drink instant if that was what was available. But there was just something wrong with this coffee.

"Maybe the beans are… stale?" he suggested. He'd never been so unfortunate as to drink coffee this bad, so he was having trouble putting his finger on what was at fault.

Andrea's cup was virtually untouched. She'd taken one sip, made a face, and left the rest undrunk. She interrupted her observation out the window for a moment to glance at Kyle. "If you think it's so bad, why do you keep drinking it?"