
Kyle couldn't think of a criminal profession that he was confident he could pretend to be, not that would fool an expert in crime. Being evasive would make them sound like officers. He tried to remember the conflicting advice Cohen had given them… Right now, sticking with the truth still seemed like the safest option.

"I'm a lawyer," he said. If that was the wrong answer, at least he wasn't implicating Andrea as well.

"We're both lawyers," she said. She gave him a nod of solidarity. He appreciated the gesture. They were a team. …Besides, it wasn't like Edderkopp could really gas just one of them…

"Lawyers? Really? Well, if that doesn't just make my trigger finger itch. I suppose I know you're telling the truth. No one would be stupid enough to come in here knowing who I am and lie about being lawyers! I suppose my dear Celine has got one of your clients in trouble, and you're hoping talking to her will help you?"