Immersive Experience

Andrea stepped back from the murder board in satisfaction.

She had worked on it some while Kyle cooked dinner, and put the finishing touches while he worked on the dishes. There were only a few additions, most of the work had been untangling and organizing the work he had already done.

"I think that's looking pretty good, don't you?" she called to Kyle.

She hadn't intended to interrupt, but he put the dishes on hold to walk over and take a closer look, his sleeves rolled up, drying his hands on a dish cloth. "I don't get it," he said, squinting at the board. "Other than the fact that I'm no longer the center of the criminal universe, it looks the same?"

"It's better spaced, it's untangled, the connections are labeled, and I have color coded the gang affiliations with stickers!" Andrea knew that Kyle was just trying to get a rise from her, but she was going to stand up for her work.