Trusting Him

Andrea and Kyle trudged their way back towards the hotel. It almost felt like D'Angelo had deliberately driven downhill before letting them out. Had she been headed anywhere in particular? Would they have found out if they had failed to make a good impression?

Either way, it meant that their long walk was also uphill, making it even more of a slog.

Kyle seemed… off. He was too quiet. Not that he was pouting or going out of his way to act grumpy. Andrea would say something to him every now and then, and he'd plaster a smile onto his face for her as he responded, but would quickly slip back into quiet introspection.

She knew it had been a tough day for him. For them both really, but him especially. He hadn't been thrilled about the idea of trying to collect information via an escort. And while neither of them had anticipated a face-to-face with The Red Queen, he was the one who potentially had more to lose.