Opening Gambit

Vargas and Cunningham exchanged glances. Andrea sincerely hoped they were putting on a performance for Celine, rather than actually considering her offer.

"Let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly," said Vargas slowly. "You're telling me that Kyle Wynn is the one who murdered that girl, and he hired you to… to do what?"

That was a good tactic. Make the question sound like it's just a clarification while actually prompting the suspect to give more information. Andrea quietly willed Celine to fall for it.

Celine glanced at Dominic. "Miss Mercer has already shared more than she wanted to without some guarantee of protection. Given that one of the co-conspirators has already met an untimely demise, I don't think that you can argue that her concern is unwarranted."

"I can, and I will," growled Vargas. "She'll be perfectly safe in a cell, so the movements of Wynn are none of her concern."