Still Processing

"Alright," said Kyle, as they headed back into the police precinct. "We find Nguyen, hopefully when Vargas isn't around, and we update her on the guy we asked about the tattoo and how he reacted. Then they can follow up, ask some hard hitting questions and hopefully get one step closer to ID'ing our—"

He stumbled over his words just a fraction, almost describing Owl Tattoo as 'our headless mystery man.' But Andrea probably didn't need any mention of how the victim's head was shot off when she'd only yesterday had a gun held to her head.

"—friend with the tattoo," he finished, hoping she didn't pick up on the hesitation.

"Kyle, are you… are you psyching yourself up for this conversation with Nguyen?" Andrea asked, sounding amused.

"Yes," he lied. She obviously was picking up on his slight nervousness, but the last thing he wanted was her feeling like he was coddling her, or recognizing that he was nervous for her.