Out the Window

Andrea carefully peeled off the backing to reveal the design on Kyle's arm, making sure none of the edges pulled away. It came out quite well. She waved her hand to gently waft the area dry, occasionally testing with her fingertip to make sure the tattoo was secure.

Kyle clenched and opened his fist a few times, flexing the muscles of his forearm. "I was hoping I might be able to make it dance."

She quirked a smile. "We both know what body part you like to make dance, but if you'd put it there, you wouldn't be able to show it off to anyone."

"Well, anyone but you," corrected Kyle. On cue, his left pec gave a single bounce. It felt like a new variation of his signature wink.

"Someone told me recently that I'm not just anyone," she reminded him.

"You don't say? Sounds like a smart guy. Insightful. Probably very handsome. And–"