Your Bedroom or Mine?

"So you're seriously telling me," said Andrea, as she unlocked the door to her apartment, "that you've never done it?!"

Kyle shrugged. They'd been talking most of the way home from the estate, and he really wasn't sure how they had gotten around to talking about this, but Andrea just didn't seem willing to let it go. He didn't think it was as big of a deal as she was making it. "I guess I just never had the opportunity."

Andrea shook her head as she tossed her keys onto the counter. "That just doesn't seem right. I would have thought as a guy especially, it would have been something you were into."

"Don't get me wrong," said Kyle. "It wasn't a lack of interest, okay? I would have been more than willing given the opportunity. I just never had anyone that I had that kind of relationship with, you know?"

"No, I get it," replied Andrea." It's definitely more fun with someone else… I just still can't believe you never—"