
Cohen was a far more affable audience than the detectives, cracking wise and making fun of Kyle whenever he could. Kyle also sounded like he was trying less to make them sound like expert investigators, like he did when trying to show their value to Sergei. Instead, he was telling an entertaining yarn, while still hitting all the key pieces of information.

He skimmed over visiting Marco and how they found Edderkopp. If Cohen noticed the omission, he didn't draw attention to it, but he did scowl when Kyle explained how they believed that Edderkopp was behind Celine getting arrested.

"I don't like that kind of deal," he grumbled. "They say there's no honor among thieves, but someone like that lives and dies by their reputation. That he would turn over one of his clients so easily? I'm not saying he didn't, but I'd be worried about what he might have let slip to that woman. Did she get caught, or did she let herself get caught?"