Stainless Steel

Andrea shot Kyle a look. Clearly Cohen and Vargas had very different opinions of Steel. They hadn't disclosed anything about Steel following them when they had talked to Vargas, and given the way he had talked about Steel, it sounded like that might have been for the best.

…Unless they were going to tell Vargas everything, in which case it might be the secret that pissed him off the most.

Either way, there was a value in knowing more about Steel and exactly who they were dealing with, if they needed to be more careful around him, or if he might be more trustworthy than they had supposed. Now might be the only chance to get Cohen's opinion without Vargas around.

Kyle gave a tiny shrug. They weren't as practiced at silent communication as the detective partners were, but Andrea could tell he was saying he'd follow her lead. After all, she was the one Steel was following, the one he'd first contacted, the one who Steel seemed to like better…