A Crossing of Stars

When she got to her office, Kyle and Madison were engaged in enthusiastic conversation. Kyle looked up and smiled when she stepped in.

"Hi, Andi," Madison greeted her. "Did you know that Kyle was born in mid-May?"

Andrea shrugged. For all the time they had spent with each other the last few weeks, birthdays weren't something that had come up. "I guess not, but what does–"

She saw Kyle's grin. She saw the book Madison had open in front of her on the table.

"Madison, no–" she began.

"So that makes him a Taurus," Madison announced. "And I thought since the two of you were working so closely on this case, I should see how compatible you are!"

The book was entitled A Crossing of Stars: Finding Your Perfect Partner Through The Power of Astrology, and Andrea was painfully familiar with it.