Something Unique

Kyle remembered the feeling of trying to decipher where they were going that day Andrea had first taken them to Santiago's down at the docks. He could tell that she was thinking the same thing. He tried not to grin too smugly. After all, it really was quite unfair. Even if she knew exactly where they were going, there was no way she would be able to guess what he had planned.

"Not downtown then," she said.

Downtown was in the complete opposite direction at this point. "Did you have somewhere in mind?"

Andrea shrugged. "I wondered for a bit if you were going to take me to some fancy restaurant at the top of a skyscraper, but if that were the case, I should have worn something different."

Kyle smiled to himself. There were a couple of places he knew that fit that description. Good food, but not nearly as good as their prices would suggest, and he'd have had to have this evening booked a month in advance, even with his connections.