Gang Aft Agley

That was not how Kyle expected that to go!

He knew he'd been playing with fire with the plan. It was cheeky. It was mischievous. It could even have been described as diabolical. But he had been confident that Andrea would forgive him in the end. Or at least, not make his punishment too severe…

And he had been right! For all her protests, she had smiled, she had laughed, she had clung to him in a way that he had definitely enjoyed.

But then, when she had looked up at him with those beautiful hazel eyes of hers, so excited, so full of life, and so, so very close… he had acted impulsively.

Up to that point it wasn't fire that he had been playing with, but water. But once Andrea's 'scorched earth hot' lips got involved… He so badly wanted to play with fire!