
There were at least four cars behind them at the traffic light making the same turn. Frustratingly, the food truck turned out to be parked on a stub of road that led into the city park. Since it was a dead end, all four ended up stopping as well. Kyle couldn't watch all four without being obvious about it, so he picked the most likely target and observed it out of the corner of his eye.

The man who got out had the kind of build and haircut that you'd expect from a Russian thug. Less fitting with the image, was the baby stroller he got out of the trunk, and the baby he loaded into it. Kyle suspected that the mafia weren't in the habit of taking their children along with them on stakeouts, even though that would make for good cover. Besides, the man disappeared into the park. If he was trying to tail them, he was doing a terrible job.

That left three, which Kyle quietly described to Andrea while they queued for the truck.