We Can Do Both

Andrea stood at the doors and watched while she waited. The weather was keeping a lot of people indoors compared to how many would normally go out for lunch, and those who were forced to venture outside hurried from door-to-door as quickly as their footing on the slippery paving stones allowed.

Kyle wasn't long bringing the car, and while he popped the umbrella getting out of the car and held it above himself, it was a redundant gesture. He was already soaked from his dash to the car.

The umbrella was just big enough for both of them to fit under, and Andrea thought that Kyle might use it as an excuse to cozy up to her again, but instead he focused on keeping her sheltered at the cost of getting even wetter. She supposed that it really couldn't get worse for him, and it wouldn't make much sense to keep her dry from the rain only to get her all damp from being pressed against his wet body.