All Bets Are Live

Andrea hoped that moving into the kitchen would help them move on from the previous conversation.

"This might be a little basic," said Kyle, putting on his apron. "But I was thinking, we decided to forgo burgers the other day–"

"You mean when we decided to avoid getting mediocre burgers," Andrea clarified.

"–That's the one," agreed Kyle. "So I thought I would make up for that."

"I don't recall seeing any beef in the fridge…" Knowing Kyle, Andrea wouldn't be surprised if he had somehow gone out and shopped early in the morning or otherwise magicked it into existence in her refrigerator.

"Burrito and I held a vote, and the idea was unanimously approved—we're using chicken," Kyle said, tickling Burrito under the chin. The little gremlin looked pleased to have been part of the decision making.

It amused her how quickly Kyle had found favor with a cat Madison had once described as a feral beast!