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Kyle looked as though he were deliberating if he wanted to interrupt his monologue long enough to play a little poker. After a moment he examined his cards again and deigned to actually bid.

"I'll raise… another fifty grand," he said, throwing two quarters into the pot. "My point is this… intent is what's important. If you intend to deceive, then you're being deceptive, even if you speak only the truth."

"I can certainly see why that philosophy would make it easier to justify lying," Andrea said, ruminating on if she should call or raise again.

"It depends," Kyle said. "It's also the intent that makes the difference between good lies and bad lies."

"Oh, there are good lies?" Andrea asked wryly.

"Absolutely," nodded Kyle. "Lying to protect someone's feelings, or to give them a nice surprise, or to protect someone's secret."

"Little white lies, you mean," Andrea asked.