Habitual Recidivist

"So, I feel like this changes a few things," Kyle said.

He had been sitting in silence with an almost dazed grin on his face half of the drive into the courthouse, stealing glances at her. Andrea knew that was common for him, to spend more time looking at her than at their surroundings.

She assumed he thought he was being subtle. That she was too focused on driving to have noticed. That she wasn't aware how much time he spent gazing at her when he thought she wasn't looking. The thing was, as occupied as she might have been driving, he apparently let himself get far more distracted looking at her.

It had been a little annoying when they first started driving together, feeling like he was staring at her when he thought she wasn't looking. Over the weeks, she'd come to realize that it wasn't staring… It was gazing. He wasn't eyeing her up or scrutinizing and making judgements. He was… admiring her. Appreciating her. Cherishing her.