
Kyle glared as Dominic continued to issue his threats to both he and Andrea. But not wanting to make their predicament worse than it already was…

"Young Mr Wynn is nodding his head, albeit somewhat reluctantly," described Dominic. "But I'm going to need a nice, bright, Yes, Dominic from you, Ms Mason, so I can be sure you appreciate the gravity of the situation…"

"I understand, you bastard," growled Andrea.

"I'm sure your mind is just abuzz trying to think of ways to save your fair paramore," said Dominic in mocking tones. "You should really just relax. He won't be harmed if he behaves, and after a couple of years of cooperation and good behavior from his father, we might even be able to negotiate Mr Wynn's release, so long as we can find a suitable alternative to keep Hawke in line. Don't think of this parting as goodbye, but just au revoir."