Bourbon Man

Steel paused with his hand on the door. He had left it a few days for the dust to settle before coming here, and he was still second guessing his decision. There was still the option to just turn around and walk away. No one would ever even know.

…Except him. He'd come this far. Might as well get it over with.

Stepping inside The Pig and Whistle was like a doorway to the past. Same smell, same furniture, same grime. Some kid with big ears behind the bar looking too young to even drink alcohol, let alone serve it. At least that's how he looked to Steel.

Guess it wasn't a surprise Old Jerry Craddock wasn't behind the bar anymore. Jerry had been older than Cohen. No doubt he'd be retired or dead by now.

"Can I get anything for you sir?" the kid asked.

"Nah, don't worry about it," Steel grumbled. "Won't be here long."