Chapter 3: Entrance Exams

As his physical body began to surrender to the call of sleep, Caden's stellar body came alive, separating from his physical self with practiced ease. In this form, he could continue to cultivate his essence and refine the two techniques he had learned so far.

First, there was the Stellaris Explosion, his explosive punch that had already demonstrated its power against one of the order's elites. And second, the Solar Flares, the powerful energy bursts he had used against the seekers earlier.

From the depths of his mind, the hidden voice chuckled softly. If Caden knew the true nature of its existence, or the imprint it had left on him, he would understand the enormity of the situation. He would realize that he had become the most sought-after 12-year-old in the galaxy.

Unaware of this, Caden continued to absorb essence. The flow was strong here, at the heart of the Order's hall, allowing him to gather it faster and in larger amounts. With every passing second, Caden's essence grew, the soft golden glow around his stellar body growing stronger and more vibrant.

Caden was roused from his cultivation by the echoing voices of the keepers in the bunkhouse. They were announcing that it was time to rise, time for the entrance exam at the training courtyard. With a final surge of energy, he merged his stellar body back into his physical self, feeling a powerful rush of vigor from the night's intensive cultivation.

Although his physical body had slept for only 8 hours, his spiritual cultivation had felt like a full day's worth of strenuous training. Caden was now at the bottleneck between the middle and upper stages of the Essence Absorption Realm. The inner voice marveled at his progress, a testament to his incredible potential. Now, the entrance exam awaited. His skills would be put to the ultimate test.

Caden stepped into the bustling training courtyard, his leaner, more muscular form radiating an aura of newfound confidence. The vast courtyard was filled with examinees of all ages and from all walks of life, each waiting anxiously for their chance to demonstrate their abilities. Above the crowded courtyard, a viewing platform housed the Order Master, the Elites, and the Quartermaster, their watchful gazes scanning over the multitude of candidates.

The first trial was designed to test the candidates' cultivation stage and potential. Each examinee was required to grasp a large crystal bell. The bell would glow, its radiance reflecting the examinee's cultivation stage. Then, it would ring - the louder and longer the bell resonated, the greater the candidate's potential.

Caden was designated with the examination number 42, inked onto his arm and displayed on a holo tag on his chest and back. He looked at his number, took a deep breath, and waited for his turn to approach the crystal bell.

The examination progressed swiftly with varying degrees of success. Among the first dozen examinees, only one had reached the upper stage of the Essence Absorption realm. The rest hovered around different levels within the middle stage. The candidate from the upper stage also demonstrated high potential, standing out from the rest.

The following sets of candidates were all lodged within different levels of the middle stage, and none of them displayed a high potential. The examination proceeded in this manner until it was Caden's turn. As the announcement rang out, calling for examinee number 42, he took a steadying breath, steeling himself for the crucial moment that was about to unfold.

Caden, his face a picture of determination, strode towards the test platform. The buzz in the courtyard quieted as his eyes met Keeper Solari's. He felt a strange reassurance knowing that Solari had vouched for him. He took a moment to acknowledge the presence of another Keeper named Zephyrus, who was assigned to supervise the bell test. Zephyrus, a weathered man with bright eyes, spoke calmly, "Each examinee needs a sponsor. Keeper Solari has vouched for you, so he stands here in support. Please grab the bell and channel your essence into it."

Caden took a moment to steady himself, focusing on his breathing. The bell, a piece of intricate craftsmanship shimmering under the morning sun, sat innocently in front of him. Reaching out with a steady hand, he gently wrapped his fingers around it, feeling its cool metallic surface against his palm. Then, with a steady inhalation, he began to push his essence into the bell.

The moment his essence made contact with the bell, it lit up with an intense, dazzling golden glow. The brilliant light seemed to pulsate with life, its purity surpassing any color previously seen in the examination. As the essence channeled into the bell, it echoed a ring that was powerful and resonant, stirring the very air around them.

But what caught everyone's attention was the intensity of the sound. It was so forceful that it resulted in the bell developing a crack, its ringing tone continuing to echo around the courtyard. A stunned silence spread across the gathered crowd, their faces mirroring their disbelief and awe. Even Order Master Valara, a veteran of countless such examinations, sat back in her chair, her eyes wide with astonishment.

In the blink of an eye, the large holographic display screen used for the examination results flickered. Caden's name ascended swiftly, overshadowing other contenders, to perch at the very top of the prospect list. The holographic digits under his name glowed intensely: his cultivation stage read 'Purified Middle Stage - Essence Absorption Realm', and his potential score read an unprecedented '1000'.

A gasp echoed through the courtyard as the onlookers gawked at the screen. The highest score before this was a relatively modest '200', belonging to the young man who had reached the upper stage. His potential score, which seemed impressive just a while ago, now looked like a mere speck before Caden's towering '1000'.

The rest of the examinees standing around the courtyard turned pale, as if they had seen a ghost. Their faces, initially filled with hope and competitive spirit, were now replaced with disbelief and a tinge of fear. Their eyes darted between the crack in the bell and the bright, glowing '1000' on the screen. Even the boisterous atmosphere from before seemed to have been sucked out, replaced by a stunned silence that mirrored the shock of the crowd. It was as if the very air had been pulled from their lungs, replaced by an awe-inspiring aura surrounding the young man who just shattered their comprehension of potential.

As Caden extended his hand to a shocked Solari, the older man wordlessly got back on his feet. Without a glance back, he mechanically strode towards the keepers, his body language still clearly conveying his state of disbelief.

Caden then hopped off the platform, returning to the field filled with fellow examinees. However, an invisible bubble seemed to form around him, as the other contenders consciously kept their distance, a mix of awe and fear painted on their faces. The isolation provoked a light chuckle from Caden as he shook his head in amusement.

Looking to pass the time, Caden activated his essence vision, an ability that allowed him to see the essence within others. As his vision shifted, the world around him became a radiant display of glowing cores pulsating in different sizes and hues, each corresponding to a unique examinee.

He took up a little game to guess the cultivation stages of the examinees undergoing the tests, comparing his mental notes with the results that lit up on the holographic screen. It was a simple task, but one that helped him understand more about the vast variety of essence levels and the manifestations of different cultivation stages.

Caden's gaze was drawn upwards, towards the viewing platform where the order elites and their master sat. The cores of these high-level cultivators shone like mini suns in his essence vision, their brilliant, pulsating lights dwarfing those of the examinees. The order master's core was the most overwhelming, a radiant mass of energy that seemed akin to a massive sun. Caden was awestruck by the immense essence reservoirs these individuals held. He noticed the order master's gaze meeting his own and saw her smile, seeming to understand the boy's curiosity and fascination.

As the last of the examinees completed their tests, an announcement echoed through the courtyard, signalling the next stage of the examination - a duel with a Star Seeker. The field immediately filled with whispers and anxious chatter. For many of the examinees, this would be their first encounter with a true cultivator in a combat scenario. Caden, however, stood tall, the hint of a determined smile on his face, ready for the challenge that awaited.

The battles began in reverse order, which meant Caden had to patiently wait as the others took their turns. With each round, the anticipation built. Examinees exhibited a range of skills and techniques; some were clever and strategic, others displayed raw power and aggression. A few among the stronger candidates even managed to give the Star Seekers a tough time, their duels ending in close calls.

However, none managed to overcome their opponent, a testament to the strength and skill of the Star Seekers. As the examinations neared their end, the anticipation amongst the crowd was palpable. They had witnessed Caden's unparalleled potential and were eagerly awaiting his duel.

Finally, the moment came. "Examinee number 42, Caden Driver, please step onto the platform," the voice echoed across the courtyard. All eyes turned to the young boy as he calmly made his way to the center of the testing platform, ready to face his Star Seeker opponent.

As he got up onto the platform he saw a familiar face on the other side. It was Star Seeker Lydia and she had a determined look upon her face. The examiner had the duel commence and as Lydia advanced, time seemed to slow for Caden. Each of her rapid movements was clear as day to him, as if he were observing them in slow motion. He deftly sidestepped her initial strike, swaying like a reed in the wind.

In the following moments, he nimbly dodged her barrage of attacks, his movements resembling a finely choreographed dance. All the while, he was gathering essence within his fist, charging it for his counterstrike. The energy pulsed and hummed within his clenched hand, growing in intensity until it was nearly tangible.

Then, the perfect opportunity presented itself. Lydia left a gap in her offense, a brief window that Caden seized. With a swift movement, he drove his charged fist forward. The Stellaris Explosion erupted, a brilliant blast of energy that collided with Lydia, creating a shockwave that rippled through the air. The force of the impact sent Lydia hurtling backward, catapulting her clean off the platform.

Stunned silence fell upon the courtyard as the dust settled, replaced moments later by gasps of astonishment. Caden stood victorious on the platform, a calm and unassuming figure in the aftermath of his powerful display.

Before Caden could gather his thoughts, another figure landed on the platform with a resonating thud. It was Keeper Alaric, a towering man whose imposing presence sent whispers of apprehension through the crowd. Yet, Caden did not flinch or back away, maintaining his calm and collected demeanor.

The Order Master, her face alight with a teasing grin, chimed in. "Caden, would you mind taking on another challenge?" she proposed. "If you manage to defeat Alaric, I will present you with a reward for your efforts."

Taking a moment to assess the situation, Caden finally responded. "Throw in another seeker, and double down. If I lose, I'll leave." His voice echoed throughout the courtyard, drawing gasps from the spectators.

The Order Master fell silent for a moment, seemingly caught off guard by Caden's audacity. Then, with a nod of approval and a gleam of interest in her eyes, she agreed. "Very well, you've got a deal," she said, gesturing towards the crowd. At her signal, another seeker, a slender woman named Ilyana, leapt onto the platform, her eyes locked onto Caden with a challenging glint.

With a deep, grounding breath, Caden settled into a familiar boxing stance, his eyes narrowed and focused. "Bring it," he challenged, his voice steady.

Without hesitation, both Alaric and Ilyana charged towards him, their faces set in grim determination. As Caden had expected, Alaric moved at a brisk pace while Ilyana, the Seeker, seemed to move in slow motion. Seizing the opportunity, he targeted Ilyana first, rushing towards her with remarkable speed. A swift, calculated kick at her legs caused her to falter. Taking advantage of her imbalance, he placed his palm onto her face, releasing a concentrated blast of his Solar Flare technique. The impact sent her sprawling off the platform.

However, in the time he had dealt with Ilyana, Alaric had managed to close in. Before Caden could react, Alaric's foot connected with his shoulder in a powerful kick, sending him flying towards the edge of the platform. With a triumphant grin, Alaric turned towards the Order Master, confident of his victory.

Yet, unbeknownst to Alaric, Caden had narrowly avoided falling off, his fingers clenched around the platform's edge. In a swift, fluid motion, he pulled himself up, charging towards Alaric with an intensity that could rival a comet.

In less than the blink of an eye, he prepared his Stellaris Explosion technique in both hands, one poised at his foot and the other clenched in his fist. With a swift, sweeping motion, he knocked Alaric off balance, then brought his charged fist crashing onto Alaric's face. The impact caused a shockwave to ripple through the platform, and the crowd watched in stunned silence.

The aftermath was a silent spectacle. Caden, visibly injured and thoroughly exhausted, managed to stay on his feet, even as his right side throbbed in intense pain. He knew that his shoulder, ribs, and everything in between were likely broken from Alaric's brutal attack.

Order Master Valara descended onto the platform with a grace that was both elegant and powerful, landing lightly as if she weighed no more than a feather. "Congratulations," she commended, her voice echoing throughout the silent courtyard, "you have won my challenge. Now, it's time for your rewards."

She extended her hand, revealing a sleek data pad. "This," she announced, "confers the ownership of a ship. A Luminara Class vessel. This was my personal ship when I was at your stage. This ship doesn't just mark you as a shipowner, Caden. It marks you as my personal apprentice."

A wave of gasps swept through the crowd. Being the Order Master's personal apprentice was a position of unparalleled prestige. This essentially made Caden the top contender for succeeding Valara as the Order Master and her most favored Stellari.

"But you've earned more than that," Valara continued, pulling out a second item. It was a golden matrix, its surface engraved with intricate patterns and symbols. "This," she declared, "contains a Star Conqueror tier cultivation technique. It's multifaceted - you'll need to explore its depths yourself."

Despite the pain and exhaustion, Caden stretched out his hand to receive both gifts. But as soon as he gripped them, his strength left him, and he started to collapse. However, Keeper Solari was already there, catching Caden before he could hit the ground.

Order Master Valara didn't miss a beat. "Take him to my private residence in the Order Hall," she instructed Solari, her tone leaving no room for debate, "That's where he'll stay now."