Chapter 10: One Week Later

When Caden awoke, his body felt different. He felt an unprecedented surge of energy within him. The constraints he had been feeling were no longer present. He had broken through, and he now stood at the peak of the Essence Absorption Realm. It was a remarkable achievement, especially considering his age.

As his vision cleared, he saw a face he had grown accustomed to seeing in his waking moments after over exerting himself - Valara. Her eyes were closed in deep concentration, her hands hovering over his chest, emanating a warm, soothing light. It was the same healing essence she had used the last time, after his encounter at the Exams.

Her face was calm, a picture of serenity against the gentle flickering light. Her long hair cascaded down her shoulders, a few strands hanging loosely around her face, creating a halo effect. It was a sight that was both familiar and comforting to Caden. He watched in silence, appreciating her dedication and the soothing energy she was channeling into him.

Once he was healed, she opened her eyes, the brilliant hue meeting his gaze. A soft smile played on her lips as she noticed his conscious state. "Welcome back, Caden," she said, the warmth in her voice making the corners of his mouth lift in response. His recovery and advancement marked another milestone in his journey, one that he was eager to explore.

Valara's eyes held a certain excitement as she shared the news. "Caden," she began, "there's been a major discovery. On the other side of a stable black hole, a few systems away, there lies a hidden world. These worlds are treasures from an ancient era, untouched for eons."

She paused, her eyes distant as if lost in a sea of ancient history and possibilities. "They're remnants of advanced alien civilizations, usually filled with immense wealth, profound knowledge, and mind-boggling technology. Some explorers have even discovered sacred items, relics of a bygone era that possess incomprehensible powers."

Caden listened, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and anticipation. A hidden world was a dream for every cultivator, a place where one could find the means to ascend to unimaginable heights.

Valara continued, bringing him back to the present. "Our Order has been granted five spots to explore this hidden world. Four elite Keepers and you, Caden. But bear in mind, it's not just us. Several other Orders will also be participating. And remember, hidden worlds are unpredictable, governed by no laws, no restrictions."

The room seemed to echo with her words, reinforcing the weight of the opportunity and the peril it presented. Yet, within Caden, the flame of excitement only burned brighter. This was a chance to test his mettle and prove his worth once again. The challenges were sure to be greater, but so were the rewards. And in this vast, lawless, and mysterious world, Caden saw not just danger, but the promise of endless possibilities.

"That's right, Caden," Valara confirmed, the gravity of the situation evident in her tone. "In one week, you, along with the four stellar elites of our Order, will join dozens of other members from different Orders. You'll all venture into this newly discovered hidden world. Your objective will be to secure as many resources, treasures, and secrets as you possibly can. Remember, competition will be fierce. Every participant will be seeking the same goals. Your every skill, every bit of training, and every ounce of your strength will be put to the test."

As Valara finished speaking, a silence fell between them. The enormity of the task ahead hung in the air, a tangible weight. For Caden, it was a mixture of anticipation, excitement, and a healthy dose of nerves. This was going to be a pivotal moment in his journey as a cultivator, a leap into the unknown.

"Hidden Worlds," Valara began, "are categorized into four distinct levels based on their complexity, size, and potential wealth.

The first level is the 'Stellar Wastelands.' These are small, barren worlds often scarred by cataclysmic events or wars. What they lack in size, they often make up in mystery and danger. Remnants of past civilizations might be found, and sometimes these worlds hold secrets in their depths.

The second level is the 'Galactic Frontiers.' They're moderate in size, generally home to primitive or extinct civilizations. While not as barren as the Stellar Wastelands, these worlds still require extensive exploration to uncover their secrets. It's not uncommon to find unusual flora, fauna, and forgotten technologies.

The third level is 'Starlit Sanctuaries.' These worlds have often been home to advanced civilizations, and you might find sprawling deserted cities or mysterious ruins. They're rich in history, knowledge, and lost technology. Artifacts and relics of immense power are often found here.

The final and the most sought-after level is the 'Cosmic Metropolis.' They're massive in size, home to mega-cities, advanced technologies, and untold wealth. They are often the cradles of highly advanced, long-extinct civilizations. The potential for discovery is immense. From revolutionary technology to ground-breaking knowledge and priceless artifacts, these worlds are a treasure trove for any Order.

The world we're about to venture into, Caden, is of the third level - a Starlit Sanctuary. The challenge will be significant, but the potential rewards are colossal. Are you ready?" She concluded, her eyes gleaming with excitement and a dash of concern for her young apprentice.

For the next week, Caden immersed himself in rigorous training and intense studying. He sought out the keepers who had ventured into Hidden Worlds before, listened to their experiences, and gleans wisdom from their words.

From Solari, he learned of the various dangers that existed within these worlds. "You'll face trials both seen and unseen," Solari had told him. "There will be treacherous terrains, hostile creatures, and traps left behind by past civilizations. But that's not all. You'll also face other keepers. They may come from allied orders, but inside a Hidden World, alliances can be fickle. Everyone seeks the same treasure."

Keeper Elara, a seasoned explorer, shared tales of her own encounters. "You'll discover alien landscapes filled with unusual flora and fauna, some of which can be quite... well, let's say, 'unfriendly.' And remember, not all dangers are physical. Some creatures, even plants, possess mind-altering abilities."

In the evenings, he spent time meditating, focusing on the essence control, and honing his combat skills. Each night, he pushed his boundaries, trying to prepare himself for any conceivable challenge he might face.

In the vast library of the Order, Caden found several records about previous expeditions into Hidden Worlds. He studied the topographies of these worlds, their unique characteristics, the challenges faced, and treasures found. Each piece of information painted a picture of an alien world filled with danger, excitement, and untold wealth.

The days turned into a blur of practice, study, and preparation. But as the departure date drew closer, Caden found himself not just prepared, but eager. Eager to explore, to test his skills, and to take on the unknown that lay waiting in the Starlit Sanctuary.

Valara led Caden to the well-lit, spacious equipment ward of the Order Hall, where gleaming shelves of meticulously maintained gear lined the walls. In the middle of the room, a suit lay spread out on a long table, its components neatly laid out.

"This is the Astral Nomad, one of the most advanced exosuits we have," she said, her eyes gleaming with pride. "It is designed specifically for exploration in hostile and unpredictable environments like Hidden Worlds."

The exosuit was a marvel of engineering. The under-layer was a form-fitting bodysuit, made of a sleek, flexible material that would comfortably adhere to his skin. This was the biosuit layer, capable of monitoring the wearer's vital signs in real-time and delivering medical assistance when needed.

The outer layer was composed of lightweight, durable alloy plates interlaced with dense fabric joints for mobility. The alloy was engineered to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures and radiation.

"Incorporated into the suit is an Atmosphere Exchange Unit," Valara explained. This small, unobtrusive device, fitted into the chest plate, was designed to filter any atmosphere into breathable air. It would allow him to survive in environments with little to no breathable oxygen, or where the air was filled with toxins or pathogens.

Valara pointed to the thermal layer that lined the inside of the suit, a complex network of thin, flexible tubes. "This network will regulate your body temperature, heating you in cold conditions and cooling you when it's hot. It'll adapt to the environment you're in, always working to keep you at optimal conditions."

The suit was designed with mobility and comfort in mind. It would allow him to move with ease, even in the harshest conditions. The helmet, with its opaque visor, was equipped with a heads-up display, giving real-time data about his surroundings.

She handed the exosuit to Caden, "This will protect you from a multitude of threats and give you the ability to survive in environments that would otherwise be deadly. Wear it well." Her eyes met Caden's, full of earnest sincerity. "Stay safe, Caden."

For a moment, the bustling noise of the Order Hall seemed to quieten, as if the world held its breath. Caden, filled with a surge of gratitude and respect, moved to hug Valara. It was a gesture more of camaraderie than affection, an acknowledgement of the bond that had formed between them during the months of rigorous training.

Valara stood stiffly for a moment, as if caught off guard, before relaxing into the hug, her hand patting his back in a comforting, familiar rhythm. He could feel the strength in her grip, a strength that had guided him and molded him into who he was today.

"Thank you, Master," Caden murmured, his voice slightly muffled by the fabric of her tunic. "For everything, for believing in me."

Their embrace was short, barely a few heartbeats, but it held a world of meaning. As they pulled apart, Caden saw a flicker of something in Valara's eyes - pride, perhaps, or satisfaction. It was gone in an instant, replaced by her usual stern gaze.

The distant sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor snapped them out of their moment. Caden stepped back, standing tall and straight, his face returning to its usual calm composure. Valara, too, adjusted her tunic and cleared her throat, ready to face whoever was coming their way.

Caden's face turned a shade of crimson as he rushed out of the equipment ward, the embarrassment buzzing in his veins like static electricity. Back in the sanctuary of his room, he locked the door behind him, his heart pounding against his ribs. He slumped against the closed door, taking deep, steadying breaths.

Panic turned to mortification as he replayed the incident in his mind. He'd let his guard down, let his emotions get the better of him, and had hugged his master. He shook his head, attempting to clear the memory from his mind, but it clung on stubbornly, a blush spreading across his cheeks every time he thought about it.

Then, there was a knock on the door. His heart stopped. Her voice, laced with concern, echoed through the room, "Caden? Are you in there? Do you want to talk?"

Like a cornered animal, Caden retreated further into his room, ducking into the dark closet and pulling the door shut. His senses heightened, and he focused his essence, the world outside the closet coming into sharp focus as his Essence Vision activated. He saw the faint outline of Valara through the door, her figure slightly blurry due to the Essence Vision's limitations.

His breath hitched as it looked like she was staring directly at his hiding spot. However, after a tense moment, her gaze seemed to wander, scanning the room. Caden dared not move, barely even breathing as he watched her pause, listening for any sounds.

The seconds stretched into minutes, every tick of the clock like a hammer against his racing heart. Then, finally, he saw her retreat, her essence fading as she moved away from his door.

Caden collapsed against the back of the closet, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. He felt like he'd been holding his breath for an eternity. His heart was still pounding, but the immediate threat had passed. He slid down to the floor of the closet, his mind still a whirl of embarrassment and confusion.

Awakening with a startle, Caden blinked open his eyes, only to realize he was not in the confines of the closet where he had fallen asleep, but instead, sprawled out comfortably on his bed. The morning sun seeped through the gaps in the window blinds, casting a soft, warm glow around the room. The dream, so vivid and intense, was already starting to fade in the back of his mind.

The memory of exploring an alien planet, of stumbling across ancient structures and dodging fearsome creatures, seemed to echo in his thoughts. It felt so real, so tangible, almost as if he had actually lived through the experience. But he knew it was just a dream, a product of his anxiety and anticipation for the upcoming expedition.

Caden sat upright, rubbing his temples as he tried to shake off the last remnants of sleep. A sudden realization dawned upon him - he had not summoned his stellar body for training. A sense of guilt washed over him, yet he was also strangely relieved. It had been a long time since he'd given himself a full night's rest.

And then, the implication hit him. The shift from the closet to his bed. His cheeks turned a flaming red at the thought of Valara entering his room, discovering him sprawled awkwardly in the closet. A shiver of embarrassment ran down his spine, the possibility making him cringe. His morning was already off to an unusual start, and he hadn't even left his room yet.