Chapter 21: One of a kind

As the light of the warp faded, the returning group found themselves back on the space station. The solemn faces of the four elites from his order, Elara, and a handful of survivors from another order were the only ones to return from the perilous expedition. Space station officials rushed forward, their faces masked with concern and urgency as they saw the lifeless bodies of their comrades who hadn't made it.

Caden moved away from the others, the bodies of Styx, Erie, and Phantom cradled gently in his arms. He gently laid them down, his expression somber, the weight of their deaths heavy in his heart.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the chaos. "Where's Caden?" Valara's voice echoed in the station's metallic hull, her eyes scanning the crowd anxiously. Her gaze landed on the unfamiliar face of a young man standing with Elara, a frown creasing her forehead as she pointed, "And who is she?"

Caden turned, confusion etching his face as he faced his mentor. "It's me, Valara," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm Caden."

Valara's eyes widened, a mix of disbelief and denial clouding her gaze. "No," she shook her head, "Caden is a 13-year-old boy, you're not him."

But Caden didn't falter. Instead, he met her eyes squarely, "You threatened to kick my ass if I didn't bring back a gift when I left." His words hung in the air, a challenge and a confirmation.

A moment of silence passed as Valara froze, her mind churning. Then, a soft gasp escaped her as realization dawned on her face. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and engulfed Caden in a hug, relief and worry etched on her face. The station's noisy hull seemed to fade away, replaced by a poignant moment of reunion and realization.

Breaking away from the embrace, Caden turned toward Elara who was watching the scene unfold with a slight smile. "Valara, this is Elara," he introduced, a hint of pride seeping into his voice. "She's the last princess of Arivas. She helped us a lot during the expedition."

Elara stepped forward, extending a hand to Valara. "Nice to meet you, Valara. Caden has spoken very highly of you."

As pleasantries were exchanged, Caden found himself looking down at his own body. His gaze traced the stronger, more mature build of his physique. How had he not noticed this before? A sudden pang of anger toward himself surged up, but he quickly swallowed it down. Survival and saving Elara had been his priority, and he rationalized that it was reasonable he hadn't noticed the changes sooner. With a soft sigh, he resolved to figure out what had happened and what it meant for his future. For now, he focused his attention back on Valara and Elara, ready to face whatever came next.

Valara's eyes widened in shock as she took in Elara, her gaze darting between the Arivas princess and Caden. "A live survivor from a hidden world? That's... that's never happened before!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the crowded space.

As her words echoed through the room, the gathered officials began to stir. Whispers became excited chatter, and soon, a throng of them began to converge on Elara, questions and requests for examinations flying around.

Caden's expression hardened. As the officials neared Elara, a wave of killing intent radiated from him. It washed over the crowd, stopping them in their tracks.

"Back off!" he commanded, his voice ice-cold. "She's not an object for you to prod at. She's with me."

The officials, momentarily stunned, reluctantly backed away. A hush fell over the area as they retreated, their excitement quelled by Caden's authoritative stance.

Valara watched the scene unfold, her eyes softening. Despite her initial shock, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Caden had indeed matured. His actions spoke of his newfound confidence and strength, and she couldn't be happier for him.

After the officials retreated, Caden turned to Valara, his expression firm. "Are you ready to leave, Master?" he asked. "There's a lot to discuss, and I'd rather do it back at the Order Hall."

Valara nodded, her gaze flicking between Caden and Elara, the curiosity evident in her eyes. She was undoubtedly eager to hear about their expedition.

With a reassuring squeeze to Elara's hand, Caden began to lead the way towards the Nova Skimmer, their personal shuttle. Their journey back to the Order Hall promised to be full of revelations and explanations, and Caden was ready to share everything. His newfound maturity lent him a sense of calm and confidence that comforted Elara, and their intertwined hands spoke of a bond forged in the trials of the hidden world.

Upon reaching the Nova Skimmer, Caden lifted his hand, signaling for the entrance ramp to lower. The advanced AI system within the ship responded, the ramp smoothly descending to welcome its passengers. He offered a small bow, a charming gesture as he gestured for Valara and Elara to board first.

Once they were safely aboard, Caden stepped onto the ship himself. A simple thought transmitted through his neural interface caused the ramp to retract, sealing them within the high-tech, well-equipped starship. The interior of the Nova Skimmer was spacious and sleek, with polished surfaces gleaming under soft, ambient lighting.

Guiding Elara through the ship, Caden showed her the state-of-the-art navigation cockpit, the comfortable living quarters, and the well-stocked galley. Throughout the tour, Elara's eyes sparkled with wonder and fascination, her curiosity piqued at every turn.

Upon reaching the control room, Caden introduced Elara to Orion, the ship's AI. "Orion, meet Elara," he said, a friendly note in his voice. The AI responded with a gentle hum, a holographic interface flickering to life in the air. "Welcome aboard, Elara," the AI greeted in its smooth, programmed voice, a warm welcome in the coldness of space.

"Orion, Start preflight checks and prepare for lift off." Caden said to the ships AI.

"Certainly, Caden," Orion's voice reverberated throughout the ship, a note of efficiency in its tone. The AI promptly started its pre-flight checks, digital systems whirring to life as diagnostic algorithms ran through each subsystem.

Orion began with the propulsion system, the ship's core humming as power cells were checked for optimal output. It then moved onto the navigation systems, confirming that the stellar charts were updated and ready for use. The life support systems hummed reassuringly in the background as they were put through their paces, air filtration and temperature controls responding accurately.

Finally, Orion interfaced with the command tower, requesting clearance for departure. "Nova Skimmer to command tower," the AI broadcasted, its synthesized voice echoing through the communication channels, "Requesting clearance for immediate departure."

The ship seemed to buzz with a sense of anticipation, every system readying itself for the journey ahead. It was an orchestra of technology, each instrument playing its part perfectly, all under the baton of Orion. The hum of the spaceship was comforting, a symphony of artificial intelligence and advanced technology, silently promising a safe journey through the infinity of space.

Settling into the command seat, Caden swiftly went through the final pre-flight checks as he deftly guided the Nova Skimmer towards the designated warp point. He noticed Elara from the corner of his eye, observing the controls and the panoramic view of the stars outside with fascination. He smiled and offered her an assuring nod before turning to Valara.

As the ship initiated its warp sequence, the stars outside the viewport elongated into bright streaks, a surreal tunnel of light formed around the Nova Skimmer, its engines humming a low symphony that seemed to resonate with the mystery of the cosmos.

Then Caden turned to Valara, his expression serious, yet also a hint of excitement in his eyes. He started recounting their expedition, his voice steady and composed.

He began with their descent into the war-torn city, his descriptions painting a vivid picture of the ruined metropolis, overgrown with exotic flora. He told of his encounters with Styx and Phantom, their brutal fights and the sad realization that they could not find a common ground. The accounts of his battles caused Valara to tense up, her gaze fixed on her apprentice, worry creasing her forehead.

Caden continued, his voice softening as he described their discovery of the Ark. He spoke of the towering banks of seeds and embryos, the awe-inspiring diversity of Arivan life. He spoke of Elara's grief and their shared promise to rebuild Arivas, to give her people a second chance. His voice was filled with determination and hope.

Valara listened, a mix of worry and relief washing over her. Her apprentice had matured, had experienced things that could shape his future. As Caden concluded the tale, leaving no detail out, Valara felt an odd sense of pride. It was a journey of hardship and revelation, a testament to Caden's resolve and strength.

Throughout the retelling, the Nova Skimmer continued its journey through the warp tunnel, the view outside the cockpit a brilliant light show of warped space-time. It served as a beautiful backdrop to Caden's narrative, the surreal space vista matching the awe and wonder in his voice. As he finished his story, the warp tunnel collapsed back into a star-sprinkled void. They were home.

Valara, having absorbed the enormity of Caden's revelations, turned her gaze towards Elara. A look of understanding and compassion crossed her face, one befitting of her role as a wise and experienced master. "Elara, I'd like to hear about your cultivation and your life on Arivas," she gently requested, her tone inviting, not demanding.

Elara looked a bit startled but quickly recovered, nodding at Valara. She began by describing her life on Arivas, her tone wistful and nostalgic. She talked about her parents, about the beauty of her planet before the wars, about the wisdom of her people. As she recounted her past, her eyes took on a distant look, as if she was mentally journeying back to the world she had left behind.

She then spoke about her cultivation, about the distinctive technique her people practiced. She talked about the connection they had with their surroundings, how they drew energy from their environment and channelled it to enhance their abilities. The idea was fascinating to Valara, who was used to the cultivation methods practised in the Order.

Valara listened with rapt attention, asking occasional questions to understand better. After a few moments of thought, she proposed, "Elara, when we return to the Order Hall, would you be comfortable showing me your cultivation process? We could do it privately, of course. It would be incredibly beneficial to understand more about your cultivation practices."

Elara, at first surprised, nodded in agreement after a moment's hesitation. She understood the desire to learn and adapt, especially in the face of the unknown. As the conversation flowed, the Nova Skimmer continued its journey, the brilliance of countless stars outside the cockpit serving as their silent witnesses.

As Elara concluded her narrative, Caden chimed in, explaining about the various items they had secured from Arivas. He began by describing the vast collection of datapads and research documents they'd found within the Kryithian institute.

"These datapads hold valuable information, Valara," Caden said, the gravity of their discovery evident in his voice. "They contain centuries of accumulated knowledge, research and wisdom. Elara and I managed to gather them from different sources within the institute. They cover a broad spectrum of disciplines – from advanced cultivation techniques to quantum physics, from deep space navigation to bioengineering."

Caden continued, explaining about the carefully preserved Arivan artifacts, samples of flora and fauna and the multiple instances of new technologies they found. He described the storage and preservation capabilities of his internal storage, which had allowed them to bring back these valuable items without damage.

"We also retrieved a number of preserved embryos of Arivan species, including those of the royal line," Caden added, glancing at Elara, who nodded solemnly. "In the right conditions, these could be key to preserving or even restoring Arivas's rich biodiversity."

"And then there's the Arivan flora and fauna," he said, an air of awe to his tone. "We managed to collect thousands of seed types and hundreds of animal embryos. Each one of them could be invaluable in understanding the ecosystem of Arivas and potentially reintroducing these species to a new world in the future."

As Caden and Elara detailed their finds, the significance of their expedition became even more apparent. They had not only discovered a lost world and its last living inhabitant, but they had also returned with a treasure trove of knowledge and resources that could reshape their understanding of the universe. The warp journey back to the Order Hall was filled with animated discussion, anticipation and a newfound sense of purpose.