Chapter 29: New Techniques

Caden woke up the next morning, the vestiges of last night's revelries reverberating in his head like an explosion. As he peeled himself off the bed, he felt as though he was lifting off in a spaceship without any shock absorbers. Gingerly, he made his way to the shower, wincing at the harsh morning light. He gratefully let the warm water wash over him, relieving his throbbing headache bit by bit.

Elara, on the other hand, had woken up bright and early. With her advanced cultivation, her body had managed to metabolize the alcohol swiftly. As was her routine, she walked towards the bathroom, oblivious to Caden's presence.

As she slid the shower door open, the sight that met her eyes caused both of them to let out surprised shrieks. Their cheeks flushed, Elara quickly retreated, mumbling a quick apology before shutting the door with a resounding slam. Shaken, she returned to her room, deciding to wait until the shower was free.

After about 15 minutes, she heard the shower shut off, followed by the sound of Caden's door opening and closing. Cautiously, she returned to the bathroom and took her turn under the warm stream, her cheeks still tingling from the unexpected encounter.

Shaking off the last vestiges of his morning's unexpected encounter, Caden dressed himself in his Stellar Elite uniform, its signature silver and gold threading gleaming under the soft morning light. With a sense of purpose, he made his way to Solari's room, gently rousing him from his slumber.

"Time for meditation," he said softly, giving his apprentice a knowing look. Together, they ambled towards the peaceful courtyard where Valara was already ensconced in deep meditation. Her serene face reflected the morning sun, casting a warm glow around her.

The men quietly joined Valara, assuming the floating lotus pose. The courtyard, bathed in the soft morning light, offered a peaceful haven for their morning meditation. The sound of a gentle breeze rustling through the trees and the soft murmur of a nearby stream added to the tranquility.

A few minutes later, Elara arrived. With an apologetic glance towards Caden, she took her place amongst the trio. Then, the four of them began their meditation, their senses attuned to the energy of the universe around them. A soothing sense of calm pervaded the area as they soaked in the morning's energy, their consciousnesses merging with the surrounding nature. It was a beautiful scene, a perfect blend of natural harmony and human discipline, each one of them a pillar of tranquility in the peaceful courtyard.

As the shared meditation came to an end, Caden gracefully rose from his pose. Turning to the others, he announced, "Solari and I are heading to the training room. We've found some new techniques we want to attempt and learn." After exchanging respectful bows with Valara and Elara, the pair departed for the Order Master's private training room within the training ward.

Once they had left, Valara turned to Elara, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Ready for more learning about the Order?" she asked, offering a supportive smile. Elara nodded, her curiosity piqued. Together, they set off for the Order Master's office, eager to dive deeper into the workings and history of the Order.

Upon arriving at the training room, Caden turned to Solari and directed, "Pull out your data pad for the Pulsar Pulse technique."

The Pulsar Pulse technique is a mid-range attack method that focuses the user's stellar energy into the palm of their hands. The generated energy forms a pulsating, spiraling sphere that resembles a pulsar star. Upon release, this energy surge hurls towards the target, causing damage on impact.

To use the Pulsar Pulse technique, the user must:

Focus and circulate their stellar energy into the palm of their hands.

Visualize the energy as a pulsar, a rapidly rotating neutron star. The energy should pulse and twist in a manner that emulates a pulsar's motion.

Once the sphere of energy is formed, the user then aims and releases the pulsar pulse at the target. The released energy should maintain its pulsing and twisting nature, like a spiral, even when in motion.

Upon impact, the energy will explode, causing damage to the target while also momentarily disrupting their stellar energy flow.

The training room filled with the hum of focused concentration as Caden stood beside Solari, guiding him through each step of the Pulsar Pulse technique.

First, they began with the focus of their stellar energy. "Imagine your energy is a flowing river," Caden instructed, "You're trying to channel that river to flow towards your palms." Solari closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he attempted to do as Caden directed.

Next, they needed to give shape and form to the energy. Caden demonstrated by channeling his own stellar energy into his palm, concentrating it into a pulsating, spinning sphere. The room filled with a brilliant light as Caden's energy sphere formed, the rotating energy causing it to shimmer in a mesmerizing pattern. Solari observed closely, his eyes wide as he tried to replicate the action.

After a few attempts, Solari managed to form a faint, pulsating sphere of energy. Caden, encouraged by his apprentice's progress, moved to the next step. They spent the next few hours on aiming and releasing the pulsar pulse. Caden demonstrated how to maintain the pulsar's shape even when released and moving through the air, and Solari followed his example.

Lastly, they worked on ensuring that the energy would explode on impact. This proved to be the most challenging part. Caden could only provide theoretical guidance since it required a target to practice. He explained how to make the pulsar pulse unstable right before the impact, causing it to explode upon collision.

Throughout the training session, Caden would often step in to demonstrate when Solari struggled, using his own energy as a visual guide. It was a tedious process, but each mistake Solari made was a chance for both of them to learn and improve. The day was filled with laughter, frustration, and a lot of progress as the duo trained diligently, taking a step closer to mastering the new technique.

Standing across the room, Caden nodded at Solari, "Alright, give it your best shot. Try to hit me with a Pulsar Pulse."

Solari hesitated for a moment, worried about the consequences, but seeing the determined look on Caden's face, he agreed. Drawing in his stellar energy, Solari focused it into his palm, forming a spinning, pulsating sphere. With a swift push of his hand, he sent the sphere towards Caden. The energy pulsated and exploded on contact, but Caden took it head on, absorbing the impact while getting pushed back slightly.

Shaking off the residual energy, Caden flashed Solari a thumbs up, "That's some good power, but let's try something else. I want to catch your Pulsar Pulse."

Next, Solari sent another sphere of stellar energy towards Caden. This time, instead of bracing for impact, Caden focused his own stellar energy into his palm.

As the pulsating sphere got closer, he moved his palm in sync with it, matching its rhythm. After several attempts, he was finally able to catch the Pulsar Pulse, the energy sphere sitting gently in his palm without exploding.

Seeing the success, Solari excitedly asked to try the same. Caden agreed, but with a condition, "I'll only do it if we use your Pulsar Pulse. Mine is much stronger, and we don't want any accidents."

With that, the roles reversed, and Solari was now on the receiving end, trying to catch the energy sphere he'd created. After a few more hours of training, the duo concluded their day with a newfound respect for the intricacies of their cultivation techniques. The Pulsar Pulse wasn't just a powerful attack; it was an embodiment of their control, focus, and understanding of their stellar energy.

Caden and Solari, satisfied with their training session, were about to exit the training ward when Solari halted. He turned to Caden, a spark of curiosity in his eyes. "Master, I want to know how much stronger your Pulsar Pulse is compared to mine," he declared.

Caden followed his apprentice's gaze to a distant wall, specifically designed for testing and refining ranged attacks. The wall was a testament to the countless Order members' tireless efforts, scarred by an array of techniques that had been practiced against it.

Seeing Solari's determination, Caden gave a nod of approval. They made their way to the area where other Order members were already busily honing their abilities.

Solari took a deep breath, focusing his stellar essence in the palm of his hand. The sphere of energy started to spin and pulsate. After several moments of concentration, Solari pushed his hand forward, sending the Pulsar Pulse towards the wall. Upon impact, the energy exploded, leaving a decent-sized crater in the wall.

There was a pause in the training ward as other Order members turned to witness the aftermath of Solari's technique. Even from a distance, the power of Solari's Pulsar Pulse was undeniable. The damage it caused to the wall was substantial, a testament to the control and focus he had achieved in their session.

With a nod of appreciation for Solari's display, Caden decided to show his version. He began to channel his stellar essence, condensing it in his hands. Two spheres of energy took form, resembling binary stars trapped within a gravitational pull. They started rotating around each other, faster and faster, radiating a luminous intensity that made the room fall silent.

Then, Caden drew back his arm, imitating the throw of a spaceball player. With a swift, precise release, he launched his own Pulsar Pulse towards the wall. The spheres, spinning with increasing momentum, maintained their orbit until the very last moment.

Just before impact, the binary stars collided into each other, causing a blinding burst of stellar energy.

The explosion was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The resulting crater in the wall was at least ten times larger than Solari's, dwarfing it entirely. Debris scattered across the ward, and a wave of energy swept through the room, prompting the spectators to shield themselves.

Catching his breath, Caden turned to Solari, "I call that one the Binary Speedball."

The entire training ward fell into an astonished silence as they marveled at the spectacle of Caden's display. It was a humbling and potent reminder of the Star Seeker's rapid progression and raw power.

As the training ward fell into quiet awe, the scene shifted to Valara and Elara, ensconced in the Order Master's office, engrossed in conversation about the complex dynamics of the order halls.

Valara explained, "The order halls are a microcosm of the greater universe. Just as planets and galaxies maintain their orbits, we, too, have a mutual respect and understanding. Each order hall operates independently, focusing on their own affairs. Interference in another's matters is generally frowned upon."

Elara listened attentively, absorbing the new information. "And what about conflicts?" she asked, intrigued.

Valara sighed, "Conflicts... Well, they do occur. Despite our best efforts to maintain a peaceful co-existence, clashes are inevitable. Differences in ideologies, competition for resources, personal grudges... these can all lead to confrontations."

As Valara delved deeper into the politics and workings of the order halls, Elara continued to listen, her mind processing the complex labyrinth of relationships and power dynamics. It was clear that navigating this world would require wisdom and diplomacy, along with strength.

"Then there are the mission and bounty boards," Valara continued, her expression turning serious. "These are stratified according to our ranks."

"Star Seekers, the novices, have access to low-risk missions. They usually involve delivering items, harvesting materials or gathering resources. They're like errands but with an adventurous twist."

She gestured to the holographic screen on the wall, displaying the vibrant icons of different missions and bounties. "Star Keepers, the intermediates, have access to slightly more demanding tasks. These could involve search and recovery missions or minor diplomatic tasks. There might be some danger, but nothing a Keeper can't handle."

Elara followed Valara's gesture, her eyes scanning the various mission symbols. She understood that these missions were a way to gain practical experience and contribute to the order's various needs.

"Then there are positions like mine, the Order Master," Valara elaborated, sitting back in her chair. "In essence, my role is administrative, providing leadership and organization to the Order. I'm in charge of making decisions that affect the Order as a whole and serving as the face of our Order."

Valara shifted her gaze to Elara, "As for the Order Elder, you're a step above even the Elites. With your centuries of experience and highly advanced level of cultivation, you're in a league of your own. You provide guidance, wisdom, and support to the other members, including myself. However, despite being in such a respected position, you still have the freedom to undertake missions or bounties if you choose to."

She continued, "Should I be absent or unable to fulfill my duties for any reason, an Elite can be granted temporary operational authority until my return. However, that doesn't negate the influence and power of an Elder. Elders hold a unique and respected position within the Order. Their words and actions are highly valued due to their extensive knowledge and experience."

Elara absorbed this information thoughtfully, understanding the layers of responsibility and structure within the Order. This intricate system not only maintained order but also ensured continuous progression and learning opportunities for every cultivator.

"Before I took the mantle, the previous Order Master achieved a breakthrough," Valara clarified, her gaze distant as she reminisced. "He was a cultivator of such profound capabilities that he managed to attain the realm of the Elders, which is a rank even higher than the Order Master."

She then paused for a moment, and the room fell silent. "Not long after, he transcended—crossed over to a realm beyond our galaxy, something much grander than we could even begin to comprehend. To this day, I don't truly understand what that next step is, that realm he entered."

Her gaze then shifted back to Elara. "Since his departure over four centuries ago, we've had no other Elders in the Order. You are now the only one, the sole Elder amidst us." The significance of Elara's status in the Order became ever more apparent, a unique figure of authority and respect.