Chapter 32: A Mother Mourns

Elara huffed again, a resigned look crossing her face. "Fine," she conceded, though not without landing one final whack on Caden's arm for good measure. She stepped back from him, crossing her arms and letting out an exaggerated sigh.

Her eyes, however, were bright with anticipation, excitement and something deeper, warmer. She met Caden's gaze, her lips curling into a sly smile. "I love you too, asshole," she admitted, her voice soft. She then punched her fist into her open palm and her smile turned into a determined grin. "Now let's go kick some ass. I'm fired up!"

A high-energy aura enveloped them both as they sprinted through the complex network of corridors towards the cruiser's bridge. Rounding a bend, they suddenly skidded to a halt. In front of them, a formidable group of syndicate cultivators, bolstered by ranks of standard military personnel, stood in their way. An intense gaze passed between Caden and Elara; without a word, they sprang into action.