Chapter 37: Essence Weapon

Caden, being driven by his incessant curiosity and ambition, aimed to create a new technique - a sword of energy. He remembered Callista's blade of essence, a formidable weapon of condensed energy that had challenged him in their battles. Caden wanted something similar, but different, unique to him.

Caden began the process by trying to condense his energy into his palm, similar to how he prepared his photon cannon. He envisioned the energy molding, extending out of his palm to form the length of a blade. He could feel the energy stirring within him, responsive to his intent but unyieldingly chaotic. Each attempt to shape it resulted in an unstable flurry of energy, far from the controlled form he desired.

Persistence was key, though. Caden spent countless hours in the training yard, his skin slick with sweat and his eyes glowing with determination. He was relentless, pushing through each failure with a hardened resolve.