Chapter 40: Ambassador Caden Driver?

As they finished their last bites of eel nigiri and the chef's special sushi, Elara and Valara left the Tidal Echo on a high note, their palates sated and their moods lifted by the delightful culinary experience.

Meanwhile, back at the Quantum Echo Order, Caden and Solari had stumbled upon a fresh mission that piqued their interest. The holographic mission board projected the details in a clear, azure light:

Mission Level: Order Elite

Requestor: Gideon Granfel

Request: Diplomatic Escort and Education

"Provide a comprehensive introduction to Quantum Echo Order and other primary orders for the newly established Luminous Lotus Circle. Assist in familiarizing their order with diplomacy, inter-order relations, and understanding the responsibilities and rights of a primary order. This mission requires extensive knowledge about the Quantum Echo Order, patience, and excellent diplomatic skills."

Location: Halcyon System, Planet Orphion, Coordinates: 13.23.45N 120.15.30E