Chapter 46: Matches continue

As Solari and Frost stood in the center of the lotus dueling arena, Sunflower stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. She looked at both competitors, her eyes locking with Solari's first, and then turning to Frost.

"Are both participants ready for the match?" Sunflower asked, her voice firm yet friendly, addressing them with utmost respect.

Solari's determination was evident as he nodded confidently, his eyes focused on his opponent. "I'm ready," he replied, his voice steady and resolute.

Frost's serene demeanor remained unchanged as she nodded in response. "Indeed, I am ready," she said softly, her words carrying a sense of inner calm and control.

With the competitors confirming their readiness, Sunflower took a step back, her role as the referee now fully assumed. The air seemed to hum with anticipation as the crowd waited for the match to begin.