Chapter 48: Proposition

Underneath the verdant canopy of the lush planet, surrounded by the iridescent glow of flora, the towering edifice of the Luminous Lotus Circles Order Hall stood majestically. It was a vision of harmony, of nature and architecture intertwining seamlessly, reflecting the ideals of the order it housed.

As they made their way towards their ship, the Nebula Skimmer, Caden and Solari were greeted by the Order Master Gideon, and his second-in-command, Sunflower. Both bore the bright lotus emblem of the order signifying their rank and the respect they commanded. Gideon, a figure of quiet authority, approached them first.

"Thank you for visiting our order," he began, his voice filled with gratitude. "We were deeply impressed by your performance."

Before he could say more, a soft chime echoed from his communicator. Apologetically, he stepped away, his attention now demanded elsewhere.